Using POV 3.5, is it possible to randomly color each triangle in a
mesh? I thought I had done this in earlier versions of POV, but can't
seem to get it to work now.
Ideally, I'd want each triangle's RGB color values to be selected from
the full RGB gamut, and not to be selected from a list of sample
colors or textures.
Can it be done? What syntax do I use?
7no### [at] ezwv com (Remove the numeral "7")
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On Fri, 05 Jul 2002 13:38:49 -0400, Glen Berry <7no### [at] ezwv com> wrote:
> Using POV 3.5, is it possible to randomly color each triangle in a
> mesh? I thought I had done this in earlier versions of POV, but can't
> seem to get it to work now.
Take a look in documentation for all keywords started from 'triangle'. The
second one should be 'triangle texture interpolation'. Is it what you are
looking for ?
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In article <eNglPZHxUJU++7jXESWFJ=KRzx6A@4ax.com>,
Glen Berry <7no### [at] ezwv com> wrote:
> Using POV 3.5, is it possible to randomly color each triangle in a
> mesh? I thought I had done this in earlier versions of POV, but can't
> seem to get it to work now.
> Ideally, I'd want each triangle's RGB color values to be selected from
> the full RGB gamut, and not to be selected from a list of sample
> colors or textures.
Making each triangle a random solid color? Just generate a unique
texture for each triangle. The only restriction is that you have to
declare the texture before you can use it in the mesh triangle.
Something like this should work:
#declare RS = seed(328947);
#macro RColorTri(ptA, ptB, ptC)
#local triTex =
texture {pigment {color rgb < rand(RS), rand(RS), rand(RS)>}}
triangle {ptA, ptB, ptC texture {triTex}}
Actually, this should probably work:
#macro RColorTri()
#local triTex =
texture {pigment {color rgb < rand(RS), rand(RS), rand(RS)>}}
mesh {
triangle {ptA, ptB, ptC texture {RColorTri()}}
This will increase memory usage quite a bit though...if you used a list
of textures instead of having a separate texture for every triangle, it
would cut this down. You might also use the color macros in colors.inc
to make only the hue random, making all the random colors of the same
saturation and brightness.
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
POV-Ray TAG e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
TAG web site: http://tag.povray.org/
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