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The last weeks I've been exploring ways to use POV-Ray for sound creation.
It actaully works quite simple. I put up a first article on it. Very basic
(the site also). More will follow,
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On 4/1/21 10:29 AM, ingo wrote:
> https://ingoogni.nl/povray/sounds-of-povray/the-sound-of-povray/
> The last weeks I've been exploring ways to use POV-Ray for sound creation.
> It actaully works quite simple. I put up a first article on it. Very basic
> (the site also). More will follow,
> Ingo
Wow. That's cool! :-)
I was also not aware of https://supercollider.github.io
I've done almost no animation over the years, but a question I've
carried around for a long while is:
Has anyone has figured out how to add sound synchronization 'hooks' into
rendered frames or file associated frames during particular frame
renders by Pov-Ray?
I'm think something along the lines of generating a hook for a collision
sound when a given collision between two shapes happens. The hook could
be generated in a generic way allowing for other animation changes - the
sound hook would track.
I'm guessing the synchronization must have been worked out by those
doing renders (a), but I don't recall ever running across someone doing
this in POV-Ray animations from the SDL.
(a) Been posted about in the past, but these guys at
https://www.animusic.com/ have been at something like the merge of
animation and music for long while.
Bill P.
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in news:6065e4e4$1@news.povray.org William F Pokorny wrote:
> Has anyone has figured out how to add sound synchronization 'hooks'
> into rendered frames or file associated frames during particular
> frame renders by Pov-Ray?
There are several way I'm exploring. Nothing is stable yet. But what one
can do is assign a kind of timeline to each sonding object. The animation
clock is perfect for that. Maybe add an extreme clock divider to get a
better granularity within the 1/30 second of a frame.
Then use that for writing events to a file. These can be midi notes, or
midi evelopes, or OSC data, or just values in a range to be interpreted
For a bouncing ball you could start an event at the moment of contact.
Then create an envelope depending on how much a ball is squished before it
bounces back. Use such data to modulate a sound source.
The fun thing is that POV-Ray has all these nice functions that
synthesisers have not. Things that are available hare have to written in
SuperCollider or Csound. Also I think many of the DSP stuff can be done in
POV-Ray, but it is slow.
Next up, wave teraain synthesis. I think tomorrow.
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in news:XnsACFFB5D42DEA3seed7@news.povray.org ingo wrote:
> Next up, wave terrain synthesis.
only direct link for now
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ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> > Next up, wave terrain synthesis.
> https://ingoogni.nl/povray/sounds-of-povray/the-sound-of-height-fields/
while I'm not able to relate the visual (HF with circles) to the sound played,
this is very interesting stuff. more please. :-)
regards, jr.
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ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> https://ingoogni.nl/povray/sounds-of-povray/the-sound-of-povray/
> The last weeks I've been exploring ways to use POV-Ray for sound creation.
> It actaully works quite simple. I put up a first article on it. Very basic
> (the site also). More will follow
Bravo, this is super cool! My mind is spinning with all sorts of applications!
Thanks for this, I look forward to reading more :)
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in news:web.60661251e8731e1379819d986cde94f1@news.povray.org jr wrote:
> more please
How about the sound of Ken Perlin and a Klein Bottle?
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Ingo, I did notice when trying out your code just now that in your files you
#version 3.7;
But when I rendered with the v3.7 executable it choked, which confused me for a
moment until I realized you're using the new v3.8 keyword tau.
It renders as expected with the v3.8 executable so to prevent confusion you
might want to change that to:
#version 3.8;
Again, excellent work!
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ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> in news:web.60661251e8731e1379819d986cde94f1@news.povray.org jr wrote:
> > more please
> How about the sound of Ken Perlin and a Klein Bottle?
> Ingo
Perlin Noise, Simplex Noise, or a Perlin smooth-stepped function? ;)
The Klein bottle sounds interesting, as does a Moebius strip.
I am thinking that I'd like to see a "simple" spline-driven song as an
animation, with sheet music. Likely jr would love to see animated media musical
I find this extremely interesting, because one of the ideas I had about the FFT
was to analyze sound files, identify notes, and then do what you're doing.
What do you think about a POV-Ray modeled phonograph, with a vinyl album made
from a heightfield? The grooves could be a spiral function. :)
Or an old Edison wax cylinder phonograph.
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in news:web.606633a7e8731e1387570eabd4644d08@news.povray.org Robert
McGregor wrote:
> realized you're using the new v3.8 keyword tau
uach. good catch. Mmm as 3.8 isn't out I'll stick to 3.7 and adjust the
scenes for that.
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