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camera {
location 0
look_at z
how can I calculate (X,Y) of image for given <x,y,z> point, assuming image
is 1x1 and angle is A.
for perspective camera it will be
X=(x-0.5)*d + 0.5
Y=(y-0.5)*d + 0.5
(what's forumla for 'd' btw...)
what are formulas for diffrent camera types (especialy for fish_eye and
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On 4 Jul 2002 12:52:15 -0400, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256 com> wrote:
> camera {
> location 0
> look_at z
> }
> how can I calculate (X,Y) of image for given <x,y,z> point, assuming image
> is 1x1 and angle is A.
> for perspective camera it will be
> X=(x-0.5)*d + 0.5
> Y=(y-0.5)*d + 0.5
take a look at my extension to standard screen.inc include file:
> what are formulas for diffrent camera types (especialy for fish_eye and
> ultra_wide)
IIRC you have C skills so you can look for it in POV sources.
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> take a look at my extension to standard screen.inc include file:
> http://news.povray.org/povray.text.scene-files/23663/
>> what are formulas for diffrent camera types (especialy for fish_eye
>> and ultra_wide)
> IIRC you have C skills so you can look for it in POV sources.
no time to do this now :/
but - this question IS related with programming... I hope my idea will
work - and I will make somethig useful for POV :)
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Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
>>>what are formulas for diffrent camera types (especialy for fish_eye
>>>and ultra_wide)
>>IIRC you have C skills so you can look for it in POV sources.
> no time to do this now :/
I would guess it is much simpler to have a look at the formulas
in the source, than try to explain it by abstract mathematical
formula, because -- as a consequence of the way raytracing works
-- the cameras are defined "backwards", i.e. you enter pixel
coordinates and the camera constructs a ray.
The Function is called "create_ray()" and is located in RENDER.c
It is really pretty much self explaining... :-)
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