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In article <pan### [at] moravia-it com>,
ger### [at] moravia-it com says...
> With the current Mozilla I can't even access the http news interface.
> The "Enter the newsgroups" button simply doesn't do a thing...
Oh, it does. It tries to set a cookie, but fails since you disabled it,
than tries to read it, fails, and redirects you back on the "Enter the
Newsgroups" page... (at least thats what I think it does)
This is not a problem with Mozilla, but with cookies.
To the creators of the web-interface: Why is this config-page necessary
IMO it should just display the newsgroups with the default settings if it
doesn't find a cookie and have just an OPTIONAL link somewhere to the
xpost & f'up2 povray.general
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In povray.general Lutz-Peter Hooge <lpv### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> IMO it should just display the newsgroups with the default settings if it
> doesn't find a cookie and have just an OPTIONAL link somewhere to the
> config-page.
I think that it's a security measure. Something about avoiding systematic
copying of the whole site.
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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On Fri, 17 May 2002 02:17:51 +0200, Lutz-Peter Hooge wrote:
> In article <pan### [at] moravia-it com>,
> ger### [at] moravia-it com says...
>> With the current Mozilla I can't even access the http news interface.
>> The "Enter the newsgroups" button simply doesn't do a thing...
> Oh, it does. It tries to set a cookie, but fails since you disabled it,
> than tries to read it, fails, and redirects you back on the "Enter the
> Newsgroups" page... (at least thats what I think it does)
I have all cookies enabled. But the problem is quite possibly on my side,
especially if others are able to use the interface with Mozilla.
I'm using Mandrake Linux 8.2, Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 and Mozilla
0.9.8. After all, maybe it's just a conflict of these two versions? I'm a
linux newbie, as you might have guessed. :)
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In article <pan### [at] moravia-it com>,
ger### [at] moravia-it com says...
> I have all cookies enabled. But the problem is quite possibly on my side,
> especially if others are able to use the interface with Mozilla.
With cookies it works for me (Moz. RC2), without it works neither with
Mozilla nor Opera, so I assumed that was you Problem, too.
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In article <3ce4516c@news.povray.org>, war### [at] tag povray org says...
> I think that it's a security measure. Something about avoiding systematic
> copying of the whole site.
Why should anyone want to do that?
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From: Mark Wagner
Subject: Re: web interface doesn't work without cookies (was: Re: elastic cube, pov code, 800 kB)
Date: 16 May 2002 23:41:09
Message: <3ce47bd5@news.povray.org>
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Lutz-Peter Hooge wrote in message ...
>To the creators of the web-interface: Why is this config-page necessary
>IMO it should just display the newsgroups with the default settings if it
>doesn't find a cookie and have just an OPTIONAL link somewhere to the
This is to keep spammers from scanning the newsgroup web interface for
e-mail addresses.
The Universe is expanding.
The budget for its exploration is shrinking.
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On Fri, 17 May 2002 05:18:07 +0200, Lutz-Peter Hooge <lpv### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> > I think that it's a security measure. Something about avoiding systematic
> > copying of the whole site.
> Why should anyone want to do that?
to write copies on CD-ROM for off-line and easy navigation during travel ?
to sell off-line content with CG-magazines ?
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From: Rick [Kitty5]
Subject: Re: web interface doesn't work without cookies (was: Re: elastic cube, pov code, 800 kB)
Date: 17 May 2002 03:50:31
Message: <3ce4b647@news.povray.org>
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Mark Wagner <mar### [at] gte net> wrote:
> Lutz-Peter Hooge wrote in message ...
>> To the creators of the web-interface: Why is this config-page
>> necessary anyway?
>> IMO it should just display the newsgroups with the default settings
>> if it doesn't find a cookie and have just an OPTIONAL link somewhere
>> to the config-page.
> This is to keep spammers from scanning the newsgroup web interface for
> e-mail addresses.
why go to all that trouble when they could just harvest directly from the
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: web interface doesn't work without cookies (was: Re: elastic cube, pov code, 800 kB)
Date: 17 May 2002 04:12:06
Message: <3ce4bb56$1@news.povray.org>
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"Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5 com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Mark Wagner <mar### [at] gte net> wrote:
> > Lutz-Peter Hooge wrote in message ...
> >> To the creators of the web-interface: Why is this config-page
> >> necessary anyway?
> >> IMO it should just display the newsgroups with the default settings
> >> if it doesn't find a cookie and have just an OPTIONAL link somewhere
> >> to the config-page.
> >
> > This is to keep spammers from scanning the newsgroup web interface for
> > e-mail addresses.
> why go to all that trouble when they could just harvest directly from the
> newsgroups
It is trivial to find a web page that is linked from somewhere using the
same method search engines use (of course ignoring robots.txt). And who
says these nnewsgroups are not protected in some way? However, more
important is that few spammers find it worthwhile to search the web for
newsserver addresses to then search those newsservers.
Essentially you have to consider those who do email address collecting in
order to sell use use those addresses do so on a very large scale and use
automated tools. However, with "intelligent" cookies and other tricks one
can keep most out and even those who manage to bypass the cookies will find
access to be so slow (if grabbing the whole site) that the server
administrator will notice and be able to take proper action.
Thorsten Froehlich, POV-Team
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On Fri, 17 May 2002 08:21:43 +0100, "Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5 com> wrote:
> why go to all that trouble when they could just harvest directly from the
> newsgroups
that's too difficoult for some people
and html has nice browsers with bookmarks
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