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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name
Date: 16 Dec 2024 04:37:30
Message: <675ff4da@news.povray.org>
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since I'm well known for converting images to something else, POVRay
scenes included, while thinking on my previous Python-based stuff like
img2mesh I sort of accumulated different results of my "what if" thoughts.
To capture your attention, attached is the result of rendering of
converting image heightfield to net structure made of cylinders (with
sphere joints at joints. Source PNG is the same as used for my img2mesh:
I have some more of them, like constructing pseudo-heightfield from
blobs, or constructing it from patches (very far from perfect since I'm
out of ideas of how to interpolate/extrapolate control points), and they
all are in "let's add this and possibly remove this but who cares about
user-friendly layout and unused imports" status.
Anyway, back to the main topic: probably someone may find it useful for
something (turning blurred logos into 3D scenes? Season greetings
cards?), and surely I'm ready to share all this for free, but I don't
want having one Github repo for each one, I'd rather prefer to pile them
together into a single repo.
And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this
repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?
"Junk" is the name of my favorite song, so not a choice. Leftovers?
These programs are not quite left, I may update them (not to mention
that some people may loathe The Toad's leftovers.
Any ideas?
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this
> repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?
Sounds like S D L, spelled sorta like Estee Lauder. :D
- BW
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name
Date: 16 Dec 2024 09:59:01
Message: <67604035@news.povray.org>
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On 16.12.2024 14:39, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
>> And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this
>> repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?
> EsteeL
> Sounds like S D L, spelled sorta like Estee Lauder. :D
Ahem. Since programs under discussion are Python programs producing SDL,
I surely may call this project PySDL, but I refuse to explain what it
sounds like in Russian...
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> On 16.12.2024 14:39, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> >> And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this
> >> repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?
> >
> > EsteeL
> > Sounds like S D L, spelled sorta like Estee Lauder. :D
> Ahem. Since programs under discussion are Python programs producing SDL,
> I surely may call this project PySDL, but I refuse to explain what it
> sounds like in Russian...
or, perhaps, 'PyRay' and pronounce like 'puree' ? (half serious :-))
regards, jr.
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name
Date: 23 Dec 2024 12:13:18
Message: <67699a2e$1@news.povray.org>
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On 16.12.2024 12:37, Ilya Razmanov wrote:
> And that's where a question comes: a good short name for this
> repository. Converting 2D images into POVRay something. What could it be?
Ok, I see people are just laughing at all this, so I guess I'll call it
something like "POVSmith". Currently I have more or less functional
variants for export from PNG and PNM to POVRay pseudo-heightfield
patches, or blobs, or net structure I sent here. They still need more
work (just found a bug in patches), but still I think I'll be able to
turn it into something I can show people without feeling a shame.
Still, I have more questions.
Right now I changed stuff so it exports two files - .pov with some scene
stub and .inc with main object, so it's easier to edit the scene and
will simplify plugging object into another scene. What is people opinion
- is it a good idea?
Following question is, for importing PNM I wrote small yet fully
operational module (and even dared to upload it to PyPI as "PyPNM")
which reads PPM and PGM files and returns image as nested list (and,
surely, may do the opposite), so it becomes easier to assemble image
editors and stuff from blocks, exchanging data as nested lists of
logical structure. The question is, I may do the same with POVRay
pseudo-heightfield export (including my img2mesh), thus making it easier
for other potential developers to assemble something funny from a ready
blocks (I always said that we need something like POVRay virtual printer
driver so one may send any document to it and get a 3D rendering of it,
lol). The question is - is anybody interested?
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Right now I changed stuff so it exports two files - .pov with some scene
> stub and .inc with main object, so it's easier to edit the scene and
> will simplify plugging object into another scene. What is people opinion
> - is it a good idea?
Probably a good idea - however one option that you want to explore is just
making a single file that detects whether it's the main scene or an included
(can't recall the specifics of how to do this off the top of my head)
Basically you'd do an if (main scene) then enable all stuff needed to render a
full scene #else just declare the object.
Then you get both options for the (disk space) price of one.
- BW
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name
Date: 24 Dec 2024 04:28:28
Message: <676a7ebc$1@news.povray.org>
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On 23.12.2024 20:42, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Probably a good idea - however one option that you want to explore is just
> making a single file that detects whether it's the main scene or an included
> file.
I was thinking about this once (would be good for self-illustrating
includes. For example, for my "POVRay mosaic" I may use rather complex
objects in presets as includes, so I tried out making include
self-rendering, but failed), but main problem is that with POVRay I
can't do "from filename import nameofwhatiwant", I can only "import
filename" with camera and stuff, and, when I tested it long ago, local
camera was replacing global (at best).
So now I tried to split file in part like "thething geometry as .inc"
and "camera light then import thething then texture and transform as .pov".
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
Found it.
So what you do is this:
#if (input_file_name = "MySceneFile.inc")
whatever else
Then rest of your scene is _just_ the include file.
That way, if you're including your file in another file, it doesn't run the
extra scene setup code.
But if you're running it as a standalone file, you obviously need the scene
setup stuff to render anything - and so it's all right there.
- BW
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From: Ilya Razmanov
Subject: Re: Some more image to POV stuff in exchange for a good name
Date: 24 Dec 2024 12:11:46
Message: <676aeb52@news.povray.org>
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On 24.12.2024 18:03, Bald Eagle wrote:
> So what you do is this:
> #if (input_file_name = "MySceneFile.inc")
> Camera
> Lights
> whatever else
> #end
Hm, I've seen "Input_File_Name" in "Command-Line and INI-File Options",
and I always assumed that all this work only with ini and stuff.
So, it works within scene as well? Where can I learn more about this
(beside thin NG, I mean. Surely I ask questions here sometimes, but
still I understand that teaching me POVRay is not the main reason for
this NG existence)? There are ways to control stuff from the scene that
are normally controlled from ini?
Ilyich the Toad
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Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hm, I've seen "Input_File_Name" in "Command-Line and INI-File Options",
> and I always assumed that all this work only with ini and stuff.
It does not control anything. It's a defined identifier.
> So, it works within scene as well? Where can I learn more about this
> (beside thin NG, I mean.
Always the WIKI:
It also looks like
the link for input_file_name at
is supposed to have a reference to this keyword - but doesn't.
> Surely I ask questions here sometimes, but
> still I understand that teaching me POVRay is not the main reason for
> this NG existence)?
No way. Our time machine was invented just to go back and make it all for you!
We all are learners being taught, and become teachers of our own little areas of
experience and expertise.
> There are ways to control stuff from the scene that
> are normally controlled from ini?
.. . . sort of.
If you look at the way the sample scenes get automagically generated from a
script, the script is actually doing the controlling, but it uses the image
sizes that it reads from within the scene file.
Also, if you look up my self-including include file, then you might invent a way
to parse values in the scene, (over)write to the file, and then include it
You might be able to (re)write the resolution.ini file, or something - but I
think POV-Ray generally doesn't allow for potentially malicious coding exploits.
- BW
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