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Too bad this project is dead. The site doesn't even exist anymore.
Anyway, I used the framework for an image on my site
<http://louisbel.free.fr/scenes/scene030.shtml> (sorry for the publicity
for my site ;) )
As you can see, some of the horizontal grid lines disappear depending on
the image size. It's a basic texture
#declare GroundTexture2 = texture {
pigment { image_map { png "grid" map_type 0 once interpolate 2 } }
finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0.6}
Any idea how to avoid this problem ?
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> As you can see, some of the horizontal grid lines disappear depending on
> the image size. It's a basic texture
> #declare GroundTexture2 = texture {
> uv_mapping
> pigment { image_map { png "grid" map_type 0 once interpolate 2 } }
> finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0.6}
> }
> Any idea how to avoid this problem ?
> Thanks
Looks to me like your lines are becoming less than one pixel high in those
areas, and so they get disappeared by antialiasing.
I would probably try to use a procedural texture, and then you can control the
thickness of the lines.
I have code somewhere that will calculate how wide an object needs to be to
remain above 1/2 pixel (just barely visible) or 1 pixel (solid) based upon
object distance from the camera, as well as camera and resolution settings.
You could also try some of those ... am+ whatever 0.01 method 3 ... things that
TdG and others have a much better handle on. Much higher antialiasing settings
would help.
You also might find this interesting:
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On 1/26/24 12:17, kurtz le pirate wrote:
> Any idea how to avoid this problem ?
In the end you have to shoot enough rays to 'see' the grid lines for
them to show up in the resulting image. For the grid lines to always
look good / consistent you might have to shoot enough rays that for each
pixel a significant percentage of the pixel's rays see the grid lines.
In official releases of POV-Ray, you can set an AA threshold value of
0.0 and a sampling depth such that at smaller image sizes you
effectively shoot as many rays as you would rendering a larger image.
Bill P.
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Op 26/01/2024 om 18:17 schreef kurtz le pirate:
> Bonjour,
> Too bad this project is dead. The site doesn't even exist anymore.
> Anyway, I used the framework for an image on my site
> <http://louisbel.free.fr/scenes/scene030.shtml> (sorry for the publicity
> for my site ;) )
> As you can see, some of the horizontal grid lines disappear depending on
> the image size. It's a basic texture
> #declare GroundTexture2 = texture {
> uv_mapping
> pigment { image_map { png "grid" map_type 0 once interpolate 2 } }
> finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0.6}
> }
> Any idea how to avoid this problem ?
> Thanks
What (always) helps for me in such cases is using stochastic
antialiasing (+am3 etc) in the radiosity block (v3.7 & v3.8):
//+w1000 +h450 +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3 +bm2 +bs8 +wt7
#declare Stochastic = on;
and in the radiosity { } block adapt count:
#if (Stochastic)
count 10
count 50, 1000
if I am not wrong, 'stochastic' is explained in the wiki documentation.
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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Too bad this project is dead. The site doesn't even exist anymore.
Yes, it's not even archived on the WayBack machine.
But there are a bunch of renders saved to other platforms like Pinterest.
And look what I found. :)
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Download 'a1e18a4e9c1598d2cb02f5ad6727b86b.jpg' (38 KB)
Preview of image 'a1e18a4e9c1598d2cb02f5ad6727b86b.jpg'

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On 27/01/2024 08:26, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> What (always) helps for me in such cases is using stochastic
> antialiasing (+am3 etc) in the radiosity block (v3.7 & v3.8):
> //+w1000 +h450 +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3 +bm2 +bs8 +wt7
Yes, stochastic antialiasing (with Thresold = 0) work do the trick !!
But rendering time has increased considerably :
Method 1, Threshold 0.300, Depth 3, Jitter 1.00, Gamma 2.50 :
*1 minutes 51 seconds*
Method 3, Threshold 0.000, Depth 3, Jitter 1.00, Gamma 2.50 :
*48 minutes 19 seconds*
That is twenty-six times longer. As long as the image is good ;)
I update my web page.
@Bald Eagle : yes, Inigo Quilez web site is the site is really very
interesting but I have some trouble understanding a lot of things.
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> @Bald Eagle : yes, Inigo Quilez web site is the site is really very
> interesting but I have some trouble understanding a lot of things.
You and me, both, my friend. It's a whole different way of thinking.
But therein lies the power.
- BE
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On 2024-01-26 13:17 (-4), kurtz le pirate wrote:
> Too bad this project is dead. The site doesn't even exist anymore.
There is an active CGSphere group in the Zuckisphere:
Some of us have reposted our spheres there.
I still have the include files for creating CGSpheres with POV-Ray, and
I have made some modifications to suit my needs. Unfortunately, I do
not know the intellectual property rights status of these files;
otherwise, I'd post them. If I'm not mistaken, Trevor G. Quayle made
the adaptation for POV-Ray, but I haven't seen him around lately.
> As you can see, some of the horizontal grid lines disappear depending on
> the image size. It's a basic texture
> [snip]
> Any idea how to avoid this problem ?
In addition to stochastic anti-aliasing (+AM3) or zero threshold
(+A0.0), which were mentioned by others, two more solutions are depth of
field (which is also stochastic), and rendering at a large size and then
downsizing the image. 2400 x 2400, which is 3 times the "official"
size, is sufficient to catch all the lines with the setup I downloaded
long ago.
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On 26/01/2024 22:25, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I would probably try to use a procedural texture, and then you can control the
> thickness of the lines.
The stochastic method is definitely the best method !
Here, two images : one with "original" antialiasing, one with am3/0.0.
And yes, the grid plane is procedural.
In all the time I've been using POV, I've never used this superb option.
I'm ashamed :(
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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Download 'stochastic.jpg' (172 KB)
Download 'original.png' (111 KB)
Preview of image 'stochastic.jpg'

Preview of image 'original.png'

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