Gena <gen### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> 1. FYI in vector graphics.
> If you need to use your Adobe Illustrator
> vector graphics in POV-Ray you can do that
> following these steps:
> - Save that graphics either in SVG or SVGZ format
> - Open file in Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/)
> - Save as POV-Ray file (prizm object with bezier_spline)
> See example in p.b.images
> Inkscape can also be used as a vector drawing
> program itself. It's open source freeware.
> 2. FYI in HDRI
> 'Pixel' is a bitmap editing shareware and
> it supports HDR now:
> http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/
> Gena.
Cool. Thank you! For both, especially (as far as I'm concerned), the first
Dave Matthews
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"Gena" <gen### [at] yahoo com> wrote in message
> 1. FYI in vector graphics.
> If you need to use your Adobe Illustrator
> vector graphics in POV-Ray you can do that
> following these steps:
> - Save that graphics either in SVG or SVGZ format
> - Open file in Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/)
> - Save as POV-Ray file (prizm object with bezier_spline)
> See example in p.b.images
> Inkscape can also be used as a vector drawing
> program itself. It's open source freeware.
> 2. FYI in HDRI
> 'Pixel' is a bitmap editing shareware and
> it supports HDR now:
> http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/
> Gena.
Thanks for sharing that info. I downloaded both programs and tried them out
some. Inkscape is really pretty cool. I think it might do for my vector
drawing needs. Pixel looks like it has the potential to be a really good
program, but, at least with the windows version, it is so buggy I was unable
to do anything with it (and that's not an exaggeration). I think their final
release is a long, long, long way off.
Steve Shelby
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