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If anyone is interested in learning how ray tracing works or wants an
excuse to learn Smalltalk, I've written a (very) simplistic ray tracer
in Smalltalk and made the code freely available. Don't expect anything
dramatic - this version isn't even as powerful as DKBTrace was. My
purpose in writing it was to see how ray tracing would look in a pure
object oriented language, to help teach some techniques in Smalltalk,
and to give me something fun to write rather than business applications.
You can see a better description of it on my blog:
To try it out, you'll need to get VisualWorks Smalltalk Non-commercial
(free for non-commercial use).
If you have any questions about it, feel free to e-mail me at
dav### [at] simberon com.
Have fun - that's what it's all about.
David Buck
Simberon Inc.
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Very cool. Any intention to do a Squeak/GNU Smalltalk port? I love
Smalltalk, I'm glad to see someone else using it here. Perhaps I would do
the Squeak/GNU Smalltalk port myself, if you don't have the intention to.
BTW, you're the mind behind Elastolab too? Great work!
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"Roberto A." <wol### [at] hot-mail com> wrote in
> BTW, you're the mind behind Elastolab too? Great work!
He is also the author of DKBTrace which is what POV-Ray was based on.
The Internet Movie Project
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> He is also the author of DKBTrace which is what POV-Ray was based on.
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/7/
Yeah, I've noticed. Great stuff. In fact, I didn't forget - I was simply
focused on the Smalltalk side of things. :-)
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Actually, Avi Bryant did a squeak port. It's available on SqueakMap
under Ray Tracing.
Yes, I'm the one responsible for ElastoLab and DKBTrace. If you're
interested in the ElastoLab physics code, it's also available on
SqueakMap under Simulated Physics IIRC. Both packages are open source
under the MIT license. (i.e., you can use it but don't sue me if it
doesn't work).
David Buck
Simberon Inc.
Roberto A. wrote:
> Very cool. Any intention to do a Squeak/GNU Smalltalk port? I love
> Smalltalk, I'm glad to see someone else using it here. Perhaps I would do
> the Squeak/GNU Smalltalk port myself, if you don't have the intention to.
> BTW, you're the mind behind Elastolab too? Great work!
> Cheers!
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Roberto A. wrote:
>>He is also the author of DKBTrace which is what POV-Ray was based on.
> Yeah, I've noticed. Great stuff. In fact, I didn't forget - I was simply
> focused on the Smalltalk side of things. :-)
I really didn't intend to do much more with it than demonstrate a proof
of concept. It doesn't even have transformations on the textures
although this could be easily added.
This code was originally written to be included in a book which I was
planning called "Software Adventures in Smalltalk" or something to that
effect. The idea is that software should be fun and I wanted to teach it
in a fun way. Raytracing was always fun for me and coming up with a
Smalltalk version was a natural choice. I had lots of other neat ideas
for the book as well.
After talking to a publisher friend of mine, though, he felt that
project books like that never sell well and if I really wanted to write
a book I should write an Intro to Smalltalk for Programmers kind of
book. Since there are several books like this coming out soon, I didn't
feel it was worthwhile.
In any event, it doesn't stop people from having fun with the software.
David Buck
Simberon Inc.
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I have to say that, IMHO, there's no language more fun to work with than
Smalltalk. I have a blast every time I play with it.
Your work, of course, enhances that experience. Cheers!
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In article <3f88ad21$1@news.povray.org>, David Buck <dav### [at] simbeon com>
> If anyone is interested in learning how ray tracing works or wants an
> excuse to learn Smalltalk, I've written a (very) simplistic ray tracer
> in Smalltalk and made the code freely available. Don't expect anything
> dramatic - this version isn't even as powerful as DKBTrace was. My
> purpose in writing it was to see how ray tracing would look in a pure
> object oriented language, to help teach some techniques in Smalltalk,
> and to give me something fun to write rather than business applications.
Have you ever done anything in Objective C? It is basically C with a
Smalltalk-like object system layered over it. And Objective-C++ is the
same system layered over C++...you could use C++ classes for matrices
and vectors, and do the rest of the program as you would in a more OO
manner. There's a raytracing toolkit of some sort written in it:
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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