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I'm attempting to make a chain of objects (about 300 of them) in which each
object is .04 units larger than the preceding one. Each object needs to be
translated *in proportion* to its increase in size. For example, the first
object is scale 1, the second is scale 1.04, trans .01*X. My calculator
tells me that the translation =scale*0.0096154*object's number in the chain
(the first one being 0, the second one being 1, etc). So, the third object
is scale 1.08*0.0096154*2=trans 0.0207692; the fourth would be
scale 1.12*0.0096154*3=trans 0.0323076, and so on. I could calculate each
translation and go crazy in the process, or find an easier way to do it. Do
any of you have any suggestions?
Thank you,
Steve Shelby
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On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 09:54:04 -0500, "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net> wrote:
>object is scale 1, the second is scale 1.04, trans .01*X.
#local ObjectOrg = object{ ... }
#local Object = ObjectOrg;
#local Counter = 0;
#while (Counter<Iterations)
#local Object = union{
object{ ObjectOrg }
object{ Object scale 1.04 translate .01*X}
#local Counter = Counter + 1;
> any of you have any suggestions?
helped ?
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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: multiple object duplication factoring question
Date: 11 Jul 2003 14:27:42
Message: <3f0f019e@news.povray.org>
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I tried the code you sent, and povray rendered just the background. I guess
I didn't fill in the blanks correctly. I put a simple sphere for the object,
and replaced "Iterations" with "300". I kept everything else the same. What
am I doing wrong?
"ABX" <abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote in message
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 09:54:04 -0500, "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net>
> >object is scale 1, the second is scale 1.04, trans .01*X.
> #local ObjectOrg = object{ ... }
> #local Object = ObjectOrg;
> #local Counter = 0;
> #while (Counter<Iterations)
> #local Object = union{
> object{ ObjectOrg }
> object{ Object scale 1.04 translate .01*X}
> }
> #local Counter = Counter + 1;
> #end
> > any of you have any suggestions?
> helped ?
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On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:27:27 -0500, "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net> wrote:
> ABX,
> I tried the code you sent, and povray rendered just the background.
If you rendered that code without _any_ change than you definietly rendered
differenc code. Perhaps some ini setting refered to another input file. If you
want to render my code you _need_ changes because it was only algorithjm
presented in form of POV script. You need to:
1. declare ObjectOrg and apply some texturing to it.
2. declare Iterations
3. add some light_source
4. add camera oriented to direction where your objects are grouped
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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: multiple object duplication factoring question
Date: 11 Jul 2003 16:34:26
Message: <3f0f1f52@news.povray.org>
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> ABX,
> I tried the code you sent, and povray rendered just the background. I
> I didn't fill in the blanks correctly. I put a simple sphere for the
> and replaced "Iterations" with "300". I kept everything else the same.
> am I doing wrong?
Hmm, did you actually display the object by adding object{Object} after the
loop? ABX's code declares it but does not display it.
This little problem happens to me regularly...
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: multiple object duplication factoring question
Date: 12 Jul 2003 18:15:36
Message: <3f108888@news.povray.org>
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I'm sorry, but I can't make any sense of this at all. My level of expertise
with povray is very low, having relied mostly on Moray to do the script
writing for me. Here's my sample pov file:
light_source {
color rgb <1,1,1>
translate <-20, 40, -20>
camera {
location <0.0, 2.0, -5.0>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
right x*image_width/image_height
#declare ObjectOrg = object{
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>
0.01 color rgb<1,1,1>
#declare iterations=300;
#local Object = ObjectOrg;
#declare Count = 1;
#while (Count<iterations)
#local Object = union{
object{ ObjectOrg }
object{ Object scale 1.04 translate .01*Count}
#local Count = Count + 1;
Could you please tell me why it renders just blackness?
"Gilles Tran" <git### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote in message
> 3f0f019e@news.povray.org...
> > ABX,
> > I tried the code you sent, and povray rendered just the background. I
> guess
> > I didn't fill in the blanks correctly. I put a simple sphere for the
> object,
> > and replaced "Iterations" with "300". I kept everything else the same.
> What
> > am I doing wrong?
> Hmm, did you actually display the object by adding object{Object} after
> loop? ABX's code declares it but does not display it.
> This little problem happens to me regularly...
> G.
> --
> **********************
> http://www.oyonale.com
> **********************
> - Graphic experiments
> - POV-Ray and Poser computer images
> - Posters
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On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 17:15:33 -0500, "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net> wrote:
>I'm sorry, but I can't make any sense of this at all. My level of expertise
>with povray is very low, having relied mostly on Moray to do the script
>writing for me. Here's my sample pov file:
I'm in the same boat Steve.
For a start try
#declare ObjectOrg =
sphere {
<0, 0, 0>
texture {
pigment { color rgb<1,1,1> }
This will give you your sphere (I changed the scale so I could see it)
I often use the statement (taken from Moray)
default {
texture {
pigment { rgb <1,0,0> }
so that If I see a red object I know the texture statement is wrong.
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On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 17:15:33 -0500, "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net> wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I can't make any sense of this at all. My level of expertise
> with povray is very low, having relied mostly on Moray to do the script
> writing for me. Here's my sample pov file:
You probably expect something like such complete scene, commented with possible
problems. Think about sense of questions in comments:
#include "transforms.inc"
light_source {
color rgb <1,1,1>
translate <-20, 40, -20>
#declare ObjectOrg = sphere {
<0, 0, 0>
pigment{ color rgb<1,1,1> } // why not added pigment in your version ?
#declare Iterations=300;
#local Object = ObjectOrg;
#declare Count = 1;
#while (Count<Iterations)
#local Object = union{
object{ ObjectOrg }
object{ Object scale 1.04 translate .01*x} // why X replaced with counter ?
#local Count = Count + 1;
object{ Object } // why you not added object to scene ?
camera {
location <0.0, 2.0, -5.0>
#local Mn = min_extent(Object);
#local Mx = max_extent(Object);
look_at (Mn+Mx)/2 // why not look to center of object ?
right x*image_width/image_height
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