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I've looked around in the docs, but can't find any
reference to the actual formulae used to derive
the specular effect when using the specular-finish
along with roughness, so perhaps someone might
jump in and explain it to me?
What I'm trying to do (in order to clear up what exactly
I want to know):
Shoot a ray at an object, and from that point shoot
rays to the different light-sources to check for specular
highlights from them (just the way a raytracer does). Now
I know that at certain angles, the highlight is generated,
but I'd like to know the exact angles etc for my pixel-
post-processing script. I don't want to simulate the
raytracing process with that script, but to gather information
on where highlights are occuring, in order to bleed the
bright light across the objects boundaries, just like it
happens in the human eye (or probably any eye, for
that matter).
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
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On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:09:13 +0200, "Tim Nikias v2.0" <tim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> someone might jump in and explain it to me?
I suggest you do go to the sources, open lighting.cpp and find function
do_specular(). Its header contains formula. It is not that I'm lazy not copying
it here but I imagine you will have further questions so following my advise
will save you time.
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Ah, thanks. I wouldn't know where to
look for that, so your advice is greatly
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
> I suggest you do go to the sources, open lighting.cpp and find function
> do_specular(). Its header contains formula. It is not that I'm lazy not
> it here but I imagine you will have further questions so following my
> will save you time.
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In article <3ee75484@news.povray.org>,
"Tim Nikias v2.0" <tim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> I've looked around in the docs, but can't find any
> reference to the actual formulae used to derive
> the specular effect when using the specular-finish
> along with roughness, so perhaps someone might
> jump in and explain it to me?
This is documented in the function do_specular() in lighting.cpp.
> What I'm trying to do (in order to clear up what exactly
> I want to know):
> Shoot a ray at an object, and from that point shoot
> rays to the different light-sources to check for specular
> highlights from them (just the way a raytracer does). Now
> I know that at certain angles, the highlight is generated,
> but I'd like to know the exact angles etc for my pixel-
> post-processing script. I don't want to simulate the
> raytracing process with that script, but to gather information
> on where highlights are occuring, in order to bleed the
> bright light across the objects boundaries, just like it
> happens in the human eye (or probably any eye, for
> that matter).
Well, the highlight isn't a point, it practically covers every point on
the object is not in shadow, and could have multiple relative maxima and
non-point maxima. For example, the points of maximum intensity on a
torus can be a ring. This approach is pretty much a dead-end.
In any case, this happens because of the brightness, not because of
anything special to highlights. What you want sounds somewhat similar to
the old MegaPOV glow post-process filter, which operated by combining a
slightly blurred version of the image with the unblurred version. High
brightness areas bleed more, giving them a glowing look. If you are
trying to implement this in POV script instead of a patch, you will need
to use the HDR patch to avoid clipping the values.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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It is similiar to what MegaPOV did, yes. What I want is to
limit the area of effect to the places where the actual
specular highlights appear (and I know that this depends
on viewing angle and lighting angle, which is why I asked
for that). So far, my tests have succeeded in "emulating"
specular highlights on a two-triangle-per-pixel base by
casting rays (via trace()) at the center where the actual
pixels would be, thus getting information on depth and
surface normals. Based on that, I calculate the specular
highlight the same way as POV-Ray does it internally
(thanks to you two), although I've simplified some values
to 1 for testing purposes.
So for now, I can have a simple image without specular
highlights, and yet post-process them onto the very
image, during the creation of the image.
If I'd go into insane detail and emulate the entire
rendering process of POV-Ray, I could even implement
my own means of blurred reflections (with a nice
distribution of samples as said in some other thread),
but I don't want to do that (unless I've got too much time :-).
Its fairly interesting what could be possible, though so far
I haven't found much which can't be done with some
paint program (doh!) or even with POV itself... But I desperately
wanted that bleeding/blinding effect of sparkling and bright objects,
so I attacked the code and went on! :-)
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
> > I've looked around in the docs, but can't find any
> > reference to the actual formulae used to derive
> > the specular effect when using the specular-finish
> > along with roughness, so perhaps someone might
> > jump in and explain it to me?
> This is documented in the function do_specular() in lighting.cpp.
> > What I'm trying to do (in order to clear up what exactly
> > I want to know):
> > Shoot a ray at an object, and from that point shoot
> > rays to the different light-sources to check for specular
> > highlights from them (just the way a raytracer does). Now
> > I know that at certain angles, the highlight is generated,
> > but I'd like to know the exact angles etc for my pixel-
> > post-processing script. I don't want to simulate the
> > raytracing process with that script, but to gather information
> > on where highlights are occuring, in order to bleed the
> > bright light across the objects boundaries, just like it
> > happens in the human eye (or probably any eye, for
> > that matter).
> Well, the highlight isn't a point, it practically covers every point on
> the object is not in shadow, and could have multiple relative maxima and
> non-point maxima. For example, the points of maximum intensity on a
> torus can be a ring. This approach is pretty much a dead-end.
> In any case, this happens because of the brightness, not because of
> anything special to highlights. What you want sounds somewhat similar to
> the old MegaPOV glow post-process filter, which operated by combining a
> slightly blurred version of the image with the unblurred version. High
> brightness areas bleed more, giving them a glowing look. If you are
> trying to implement this in POV script instead of a patch, you will need
> to use the HDR patch to avoid clipping the values.
> --
> Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
> http://home.earthlink.net/~cjameshuff/
> POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
> http://tag.povray.org/
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On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:09:13 +0200, "Tim Nikias v2.0"
<tim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
>in order to bleed the
>bright light across the objects boundaries, just like it
>happens in the human eye (or probably any eye, for
>that matter).
Do you want the bleed to actually extend *beyond* the object
boundaries? If not, why don't you use two highlights? For example, I
often use something like this:
finish {
specular 0.5 roughness 0.0025
phong 0.25 phong_size 7.5
Or you could layer or average textures, one with fully metallic, soft
highlight and the other one with a tight, more plasticy-looking
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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The first thing you mentioned is what I'm after. I want
to have the highlight "bleed" beyond the objects boundaries.
Thanks anyway!
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
> >in order to bleed the
> >bright light across the objects boundaries, just like it
> >happens in the human eye (or probably any eye, for
> >that matter).
> Do you want the bleed to actually extend *beyond* the object
> boundaries? If not, why don't you use two highlights? For example, I
> often use something like this:
> finish {
> specular 0.5 roughness 0.0025
> phong 0.25 phong_size 7.5
> }
> Or you could layer or average textures, one with fully metallic, soft
> highlight and the other one with a tight, more plasticy-looking
> highlight.
> Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
> Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
> TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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In article <3ee7aed3$1@news.povray.org>,
"Tim Nikias v2.0" <tim### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> It is similiar to what MegaPOV did, yes. What I want is to
> limit the area of effect to the places where the actual
> specular highlights appear (and I know that this depends
> on viewing angle and lighting angle, which is why I asked
> for that).
If that is the case, then it is nothing like the MegaPOV patch.
Highlights are a surface reflection effect, and have nothing to do with
the eye viewing them. What you describe sounds like post-process
highlights, which sounds perfectly useless.
> So for now, I can have a simple image without specular
> highlights, and yet post-process them onto the very
> image, during the creation of the image.
But why? What else does it do?
> Its fairly interesting what could be possible, though so far
> I haven't found much which can't be done with some
> paint program (doh!) or even with POV itself... But I desperately
> wanted that bleeding/blinding effect of sparkling and bright objects,
> so I attacked the code and went on! :-)
Well, that does not depend on any highlight method, or even the
existance of highlights. The blurring method is the most obvious way of
doing it, and is actually a fairly accurate approximation of what really
happens in the eye. You wanted one thing, so you attacked the code and
did something completely different?
BTW, you're using a flat mesh to render the image? Have you tried
writing to an ASCII image format or using boxes instead? Maybe using
banded gradient pigments to cut down on the number of primitives
required? You should be able to get 128 "pixels" per primitive that way,
more if you use fancier pigment maps. (16384 for 128 gradient pigments
nested in another gradient pigment_map)
The automatic bounding heirarchy is not specialized for this kind of
thing, you may get a speedup by building your own heirarchy. Have a
union of unions of unions until you get to unions of a few boxes each.
Maybe do it with scanlines, and use the nested pigment trick to do each
scanline as a single box.
If you don't have any programs that will read ASCII PPM, write it anyway
and use it as an image_map on a box.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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> If that is the case, then it is nothing like the MegaPOV patch.
> Highlights are a surface reflection effect, and have nothing to do with
> the eye viewing them. What you describe sounds like post-process
> highlights, which sounds perfectly useless.
You might have misunderstood what I'm attempting.
The eye, as we all know, is lightsensitive. Now, what happens
when you look at a mirror which reflects the sun? The glaring
light won't stay just "on top" of the mirror, which is what happens
with POV-Rays specular highlight, it can only be generated on
the surface itself.
This glaring effect is what I want.
In MegaPOV, it took the rgb values and used their intensity
in order to determine how much "glow" might be added. Problem
with this is, a specular highlight might have rgb <1,1,1>, and a
white paper might have rgb <1,1,1> too. They'd be treated the
What I want is to limit this "glow" to just the specular highlights,
and avoid the overall softening of the image as was (is?) the case
with MegaPOVs post-process glowing. (Haven't used the latest
version, so that might have changed).
So, for now, its just post-process highlights, but I want to
increase their effect across the borders of the objects themselves.
To return to the eye-example: there are certain lightsensitive cells
in your eye (I'm not too firm on the english words for that), which,
when reacting strongly, might get their neighbours to act as well.
Thus, a blinding pointlight might be seen as a large white "wall" of
> Well, that does not depend on any highlight method, or even the
> existance of highlights. The blurring method is the most obvious way of
> doing it, and is actually a fairly accurate approximation of what really
> happens in the eye. You wanted one thing, so you attacked the code and
> did something completely different?
As mentioned above, I wanted to limit the effect to the specular
highlights, so that the effect would only occur where light is really
reflected, not just shining on a white object.
As for the objects: I'm using two triangles per pixel, because of
the possibility that the camera might be angled or such. Although...
The boxes per pixel might be skewed with a matrix... Hm. Well,
it's just been a quick approach. Haven't got the time to fumble
with it, and it doesn't seem to actually have THAT much use... I
do crazy stuff, but when its completely unnecessary...
Thanks for your suggestions though!
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
Email: Tim### [at] gmx de
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