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Check it out!
Download this free modeller, get the manual, request a serial number, and
you have a program that went for $795 in 1997!
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"GrimDude" <gri### [at] bellsouth net> wrote in message
> http://www.caligari.com/products/truespace/ts3/
Sure hope I can use it, I tried version 1 years ago and it was-- in a word--
interesting. Thanks for sharing that news! I had high hopes it would be so
easy to manipulate objects that I'd forget I was in a modeller. Sigh. Didn't
last. This should be great to try again anyhow.
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Nice find, but can it export anything to a pov-readable format?
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It looks like there is, with some limitations and extra conversions. I
didn't try or test, though.
See attached page from the manual.
"Greg M. Johnson" <gregj;-)565### [at] aol com> schreef in bericht
> Nice find, but can it export anything to a pov-readable format?
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Download 'Pages from app.pdf' (7 KB)
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Frans Verbaas wrote:
> [...]
> See attached page from the manual.
I guess you already know what you did wrong...
Please read:
Subject: Welcome To The POV-Ray News Groups
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 11:28:42 -0700
From: Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net>
Newsgroups: povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Do you know where the menu command for that is?
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Ok, Here's the text that was in the PDF
3D Export Formats
VRML Export
trueSpace3 will output both VRML 1.0 and 2.0 formats. You can control which
version to output through a switch in the Export VRML File dialog. Textures
can be inlined files or written directly into the VRML file. If the textures
are inlined, they can be placed in the same directory as the world file, or
in a sub-directory.
Note: trueSpace3 supports many different image formats for textures.
If you use formats such as Targa and Bitmap, these files will be output with
your world. However, nearly all VRML browsers cannot handle these files. We
recommend that you only use JPEG files as textures when creating VRML files.
DXF Export
Material numbers for each face will be written as the color number for each
DXF face. This will cause all faces of a certain trueSpace material to be
shown as a different color when re-read. Faces which have more than four
sides will be triangulated before writing. Currently, no layer information
is written to the file. Some DXF readers may require that all entities be
associated with a layer.
3D Studio ASCII Export
All faces will be triangulated when written to the 3D Studio file. This is a
requirement of 3D Studio. Sub-objects within a trueSpace object will be
written as separate objects within the 3DS file. True hierarchies cannot be
represented in 3D Studio ASCII files so this at least preserves grouping
information. There is no material information in ASCII files except for a
material name. This name will be set to the RGBA value of the trueSpace
material, so reconstructing at least this much information is easy.
Object Animation
trueSpace3 can save a file that contains only the animation information on
an object. This is useful primarily for game developers who want to save
several animation paths for one object. These .CAN files cannot be read back
into trueSpace3.
Sony Playstation
This format is for use by developers of games for the Sony Playstation. If
you are interested in this, you should contact Sony directly.
"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> schreef in bericht
> Frans Verbaas wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> > See attached page from the manual.
> I guess you already know what you did wrong...
> Please read:
> Subject: Welcome To The POV-Ray News Groups
> Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 11:28:42 -0700
> From: Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net>
> Newsgroups: povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions
> Christoph
> --
> POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
> HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
> Last updated 28 Feb. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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Good question. I proceeded now to install the program and it looks like it
doesn't know export to DXF or 3DS formats.
Maybe this feature is blocked in the free version.
"Greg M. Johnson" <gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> schreef in bericht
> Do you know where the menu command for that is?
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Save as... then just manually type in 'filename.dxf' and it will save it in
that format. I've never exported .3ds, but I seem to recall it will export
to .asc or .raw formats.
"Frans Verbaas" <not### [at] freeler nl> wrote in message
> Good question. I proceeded now to install the program and it looks like it
> doesn't know export to DXF or 3DS formats.
> Maybe this feature is blocked in the free version.
> Pity...
> Frans
> "Greg M. Johnson" <gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> schreef in bericht
> news:3e9dac51@news.povray.org...
> > Do you know where the menu command for that is?
> >
> >
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I just checked out 3.2, which is a little different from the 2.0 that I am
used to. The Save object as... option opens a menu that has ( the 'List
Files of Type' area in the bottom left corner) an option window that can be
scrolled down to display several alternatives. DXF is one of them. I think
that 3DWin and wcvt2pov both can read .cob files, and then export to Pov
.inc type.
"GrimDude" <gri### [at] bellsouth net> wrote in message
> Save as... then just manually type in 'filename.dxf' and it will save it
> that format. I've never exported .3ds, but I seem to recall it will export
> to .asc or .raw formats.
> Enjoy,
> Grim
> "Frans Verbaas" <not### [at] freeler nl> wrote in message
> news:3e9ddd8b$1@news.povray.org...
> > Good question. I proceeded now to install the program and it looks like
> > doesn't know export to DXF or 3DS formats.
> > Maybe this feature is blocked in the free version.
> > Pity...
> >
> > Frans
> >
> > "Greg M. Johnson" <gregj:-)565### [at] aol com> schreef in bericht
> > news:3e9dac51@news.povray.org...
> > > Do you know where the menu command for that is?
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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