This is because the texure maps have a planar map default, map_type 0. Try
something like this, I know it looks complicated for what you want to do, but
it's effective.
Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
File: CubeMacro.pov
Vers: 3.5
Auth: Anthony D. Baye
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#declare ft = 12 ;
/* Change location or look_at point before rendering */
camera {
location <-5.0, 5.0, -5.0>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
light_source {
<-25.0, 15.0*ft, -10.0*ft>
color rgb 1.0
#macro Face(l, w, thi, tex)
object {
union {
difference {
box { <-(w/2), 0.0, -(l/2)> <(w/2), thi, (l/2)> }
#local fc = 0 ;
#while(fc < 360)
box { <-(w/2), 0.0, -(l/2)> <(w/2), thi, (l/2)> rotate 45*z
translate -(w/2)*x rotate fc*y }
#local fc = fc + 90.0 ;
box { <-((w/2)*0.6875), thi, -((l/2)*0.6875)> <((w/2)*0.6875),
thi*(4/3), ((l/2)*0.6875)> }
texture { tex }
translate -(w/2)*y
#local fr = 0 ;
#while(fr < 360)
object { Face(4.0, 4.0, 0.25, texture { pigment { White } }) rotate fr*x }
#local fr = fr + 90.0 ;
object { Face(4.0, 4.0, 0.25, texture { pigment { Red } }) rotate 90*z }
object { Face(4.0, 4.0, 0.25, texture { pigment { NeonBlue } }) rotate -90*z }
// End object description.
This will render a cube with six individually textured faces. simply make
sure that your image map is oriented in the x,z plane as if projected from the
-y direction.
DL wrote:
> I want to add an image map to four sides of the cube (excluding the top and
> bottom). Currently, I can only see the image map from one side of the cube.
> If I move the camera around to the other sides, it is just black. I rotate
> the cube and I still see black on all sides. I know in the documentation it
> says the image map is projected onto the xy plane from the -z direction.
> How do I make it project onto the other planes? Thanks.
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Wasn't it DL who wrote:
>I want to add an image map to four sides of the cube (excluding the top and
>bottom). Currently, I can only see the image map from one side of the cube.
>If I move the camera around to the other sides, it is just black. I rotate
>the cube and I still see black on all sides. I know in the documentation it
>says the image map is projected onto the xy plane from the -z direction.
>How do I make it project onto the other planes? Thanks.
You could try drawing six copies of the image you want onto your image
map and using uv mapping
box {0,1 uv_mapping pigment {image_map {png "image.png"}}}
If you don't care how your image_map aligns with the edges of the cube
(e.g. if it's a repeating texture), then you could use the original
image scaled down
box {0,1 uv_mapping pigment {image_map {png "image.png" }scale 1/3}}
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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