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Congratulations to 3.5!
My Question: Is it intended, that the benchmark runs with the resolution of
I know, the picture is "rendered to nothing" - the squareness doesn't matter,
but I guess, it was a mistake, and the resolution should be 512*384...
This referes to the thread "RC6 (Intel compile) - Runs too fast!" (11.06.02)
in p.b-t and to my answer - see <3d07a65e@news.povray.org> for more details.
Note, that the message box is uptdated to match the new time (45 min for P4
Thanks for answers!
Oh. I just noticed that the source code of benchmark.$$1 says "camera { ...
up z right -x ... }"
Seems, it is intended.
May I ask, why? (just curious...)
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KalleK wrote:
> Hello!
> Congratulations to 3.5!
> My Question: Is it intended, that the benchmark runs with the resolution of
> 384*384?
> I know, the picture is "rendered to nothing" - the squareness doesn't matter,
> but I guess, it was a mistake, and the resolution should be 512*384...
384*384 is correct. If you look at the camera statement you will see it
is square. The fact that there is no file output of course does not mean
the resolution does not matter, POV-Ray still renders every pixel.
POV-Ray tutorials, IsoWood include,
TransSkin and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 30 Jun. 2002 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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>>My Question: Is it intended, that the benchmark runs with the resolution of
>>I know, the picture is "rendered to nothing" - the squareness doesn't matter,
>>but I guess, it was a mistake, and the resolution should be 512*384...
> 384*384 is correct. If you look at the camera statement you will see it
> is square. The fact that there is no file output of course does not mean
> the resolution does not matter, POV-Ray still renders every pixel.
Is there a repository of 3.5 benchmark results anywhere?
My 1.0GHz Athlon-TB gives 1h 10m 22.0s (4222 sec) for the full
benchmark. That compares pretty favourably against 45m for the 2.0GHz
P4, doesn't it? :o)
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