Congratulations to 3.5!
My Question: Is it intended, that the benchmark runs with the resolution of
I know, the picture is "rendered to nothing" - the squareness doesn't matter,
but I guess, it was a mistake, and the resolution should be 512*384...
This referes to the thread "RC6 (Intel compile) - Runs too fast!" (11.06.02)
in p.b-t and to my answer - see <3d07a65e@news.povray.org> for more details.
Note, that the message box is uptdated to match the new time (45 min for P4
Thanks for answers!
Oh. I just noticed that the source code of benchmark.$$1 says "camera { ...
up z right -x ... }"
Seems, it is intended.
May I ask, why? (just curious...)
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