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when i want to include fog into a scene i get following problem:
fog needs the background word. it is okay. but if i add a plane on z-axis
no fog will be rendered. it is bad, because i want to use ground fog in a
room. is there a solution for it?
thanks in advance.
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"marabou" <not### [at] available net> wrote in message
> hello,
> when i want to include fog into a scene i get following problem:
> fog needs the background word. it is okay. but if i add a plane on z-axis
> no fog will be rendered. it is bad, because i want to use ground fog in a
> room. is there a solution for it?
> thanks in advance.
Add this to your scene:
sphere {
0,10000 // Adjust radius for scale of scene
pigment {color rgb 0}
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Ben Chambers wrote:
> Add this to your scene:
> sphere {
> 0,10000 // Adjust radius for scale of scene
> pigment {color rgb 0}
> hollow
> }
this is my code framgment and every combination brings no soulution. what
went wrong?
//----------------------------------------->>>code fragment
#declare Spere = 1;
#declare Spere = ?;
#declare Background = ?;
camera{ location <0.25,0.6,-1> look_at <0.25,0.2,0>}
<-1,5,-1> color <1,0.92,0.43>
<2,2,0.5> color White*0.5
color <1,1,1>
wrinkles 0.8
color <0.16,0.63,1>
#if (Plane)
color <1,0.80,0.42>
#if (Sphere)
pigment{color rgb 0}
#if (Background)
background {color Blue}
distance 0.7
fog_type 2
fog_offset 0.15
fog_alt 0.05
color <1,1,1>
//-----------------------------------------<<<code fragment
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> when i want to include fog into a scene i get following problem:
> fog needs the background word. it is okay. but if i add a plane on z-axis
> no fog will be rendered. it is bad, because i want to use ground fog in a
> room. is there a solution for it?
You need to make the plane you mentioned hollow, so that it can contain fog.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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Slime wrote:
> You need to make the plane you mentioned hollow, so that it can contain
> fog.
this works great! but question: which side of a plane becomes hollow; where
camera is positionated or where point 0 is?
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marabou <not### [at] available net> wrote:
>> You need to make the plane you mentioned hollow, so that it can contain
>> fog.
> this works great!
But it's a kind-of wrong solution. You are defining your plane so that
everything is inside the plane, that is, you are looking at the inner
surface of the plane. You probably want to look at the outher surface of
the plane, and everything should be outside the plane (including the fog).
That is, you have to reverse the normal and negate the offset.
> but question: which side of a plane becomes hollow; where
> camera is positionated or where point 0 is?
The normal points outside the plane. The other side is inside.
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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Warp wrote:
> The normal points outside the plane. The other side is inside.
Just a question, to confim myself:
Is this described in this way in the doc ?
I found myself a alot of times in this situation ...
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On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 19:00:10 -0500, Jan Walzer wrote:
> Just a question, to confim myself:
> Is this described in this way in the doc ?
> I found myself a alot of times in this situation ...
"By definition the normal vector points to the outside of the plane..."
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] mac com>
POV-Ray TAG e-mail: <chr### [at] tag povray org>
WWW: http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
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shame on me
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Slime wrote:
>> when i want to include fog into a scene i get following problem:
>> fog needs the background word. it is okay. but if i add a plane on z-axis
>> no fog will be rendered. it is bad, because i want to use ground fog in a
>> room. is there a solution for it?
> You need to make the plane you mentioned hollow, so that it can contain
> fog.
i have tried it now with six planes and one plane made hollow. but then fog
is gone. why that?
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