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> what you mean ? texture browser ?
Yes, a texture browser. I've an old one (TextureView). It's simple and
usable, but does not contain a texure editor. Do you know about a good
texture editor?
> have you checked portfolio features ?
It could be a "stupid" question, but: What is portfolio?
> have you checked screen.inc as universal
> include file for texture developing ?
Yes, I've checked this. It's for creating "floating logos fixed to a
Why is it neccessary for a texture library?
- Vic -
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On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 16:41:05 +0200, "Vic" <let### [at] fw hu> wrote:
> > have you checked portfolio features ?
> It could be a "stupid" question, but: What is portfolio?
Subfolder in /scenes in 3.5 distro.
Just start rendering of /scenes/portfolio/*.ini in queue.
It will create set of images with browser engine realised via html files.
Read /scenes/portfolio/readme.txt for more informations.
> > have you checked screen.inc as universal
> > include file for texture developing ?
> Yes, I've checked this. It's for creating "floating logos fixed to a camera".
> Why is it neccessary for a texture library?
Becouse of Screen_Plane() and Screen_Object() macros.
It is not necessary. With engine like portfolio it
is *enough* for texture browser.
Just look like it is simple to preview texture with it
// begin
#include "screen.inc"
#declare My_Super_Hiper_Texture=texture{
[0 granite color_map{[0 rgb x][1 rgb z]}]
[1 agate]
finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0}
Screen_Plane( My_Super_Hiper_Texture , 1, 0, 1)
// end
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> Subfolder in /scenes in 3.5 distro.
> Just start rendering of /scenes/portfolio/*.ini in queue.
> It will create set of images with browser engine realised via html files.
> Read /scenes/portfolio/readme.txt for more informations.
Thanks. I'll start it immediately after downloading RC3. - Vic
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On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:02:39 +0200, "Vic" <let### [at] fw hu> wrote:
> Thanks. I'll start it immediately after downloading RC3. - Vic
Consider also Insert Menu Bonus Pack. It contains preview of some pigments so
it also can help in browsing. It is not complete yest but will be soon after
final release. It is available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/bonus/
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> Consider also Insert Menu Bonus Pack. It contains preview of some pigments
> it also can help in browsing. It is not complete yest but will be soon
> final release. It is available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/bonus/
Thanks, I'm going to try it. - Vic
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