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Is there a way to be selective on reflection? Suppose I have 3 red spheres
suspended above a mirrored surface. Is there anyway to make one of those
red spheres not reflect into the mirrored surface? (I know I could simply
continue the trace and remove the red sphere after it had rendered them but
not the surface below, but I looking for something like a "no relection"
parameter that could be added to the object so in a more complex scene where
stopping the trace and restarting might not work.
Any ideas?
Patrick Dugan
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Search the docs for no_reflection
Mark Hanford
"Patrick Dugan" <pat### [at] usnetcomcorp com> wrote in message
> Is there a way to be selective on reflection? Suppose I have 3 red
> suspended above a mirrored surface. Is there anyway to make one of those
> red spheres not reflect into the mirrored surface? (I know I could simply
> continue the trace and remove the red sphere after it had rendered them
> not the surface below, but I looking for something like a "no relection"
> parameter that could be added to the object so in a more complex scene
> stopping the trace and restarting might not work.
> Any ideas?
> Patrick Dugan
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"Patrick Dugan" <pat### [at] usnetcomcorp com> wrote in message
> Is there a way to be selective on reflection? Suppose I have 3 red
> suspended above a mirrored surface. Is there anyway to make one of those
> red spheres not reflect into the mirrored surface? (I know I could simply
> continue the trace and remove the red sphere after it had rendered them
> not the surface below, but I looking for something like a "no relection"
> parameter that could be added to the object so in a more complex scene
> stopping the trace and restarting might not work.
Assuming you're using Megapov or Pov-Ray 3.5
sphere {
pigment {rgb <1,0,0>}
no_reflection // object does not reflect
// no_image // object does not appear, can still reflect and cast shadows
// no_shadow // objects casts no shadows
#macro G(H,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<sin(H/pi)cos(S/pi)*(H<6)
cos(S/pi)*(H>6)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<H-5S-3,9>}#end G(3,5)G(2,5.5)G(1,5)
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Yes 3.5. Thanks! I looked under reflection in the manual but didn't find
"Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] monotix co za> wrote in message
> "Patrick Dugan" <pat### [at] usnetcomcorp com> wrote in message
> news:3c6d12f1@news.povray.org...
> > Is there a way to be selective on reflection? Suppose I have 3 red
> spheres
> > suspended above a mirrored surface. Is there anyway to make one of
> > red spheres not reflect into the mirrored surface? (I know I could
> > continue the trace and remove the red sphere after it had rendered them
> but
> > not the surface below, but I looking for something like a "no relection"
> > parameter that could be added to the object so in a more complex scene
> where
> > stopping the trace and restarting might not work.
> >
> Assuming you're using Megapov or Pov-Ray 3.5
> sphere {
> 0,1
> pigment {rgb <1,0,0>}
> no_reflection // object does not reflect
> // no_image // object does not appear, can still reflect and cast shadows
> // no_shadow // objects casts no shadows
> }
> Gail
> --
> #macro G(H,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion
> cos(S/pi)*(H>6)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<H-5S-3,9>}#end
> )G(8,5.5)G(7,5)G(7,4)G(7.7,3.3)G(8.3,2.7)G(9,2)G(9,1)G(8,.5)G(7,1)//GS
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