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How can I figure out where a given line defined by two points intersects a
plane defined by three points?
Thank you, -Shay
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On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:37:57 -0800, "Shay" <shi### [at] houston rr com> wrote:
1. Please do not send empty posts.
2. Please just cancel your posts if they are no more valid.
Thank You
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Tell me how outlook express and consider it done.
> On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:37:57 -0800, "Shay" <shi### [at] houston rr com> wrote:
> 1. Please do not send empty posts.
> 2. Please just cancel your posts if they are no more valid.
> Thank You
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"Shay" <sah### [at] simcoparts com> wrote in message news:3c63e462@news.povray.org...
> Tell me how outlook express and consider it done.
Too late! (you've had replies).
For future ref:
select message and go to message/cancel message
Anyway, it's not so bad - someone might see you message, run into the same
problem, and mail you or post to ask how you resolved it....
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On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 08:45:29 -0600, "Shay" <sah### [at] simcoparts com> wrote:
>Tell me how
AFAIK there is a help (aka manual) in MS Outlook Express
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Shay wrote:
> How can I figure out where a given line defined by two points intersects a
> plane defined by three points?
Within POV-Ray, you could simply use "trace"...
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> 2. Please just cancel your posts if they are no more valid.
That's not a good idea. People might download and see the message before
it's cancelled and then spend time writing a reply. OE doesn't show if a
message has been cancelled.
But besides, whenever you ask a question and then find the answer yourself,
please tell what it was. Other's might be interested.
3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 20)
POV-Ray Users: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk
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Trace would have been the best way, math the second. I did it the worst way
(too long at the computer makes your brain go funny.)
I rotated the whole problem onto the x plane and extended my vector to y=0.
Shay <shi### [at] houston rr com> wrote in message
> How can I figure out where a given line defined by two points intersects a
> plane defined by three points?
> Thank you, -Shay
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I answered your question anyway:
The following macro should calculate the intersection if it exists
Note that it does not determine if the line intersects the triangle
defined by your three points. If the line segment doesn't intersect the
plane it will still find the solution
// --------------------------------------
#declare pa = <-1,-1,-1>;
#declare pb = <1,0,1>;
#declare pc = <-1,0,0>;
triangle { pa pb pc pigment { rgbf <1,1,0,0.5> } }
#declare la = <1,1,1>;
#declare lb = <-0.5,-1,-0.2>;
cylinder { la lb 0.01 pigment { rgb x } }
#macro PlaneAndLine(a,b,c,d,e)
// a,b,c are on the plane
// d and e are on the line
#local pn = vnormalize(vcross(a-b,c-b));
#local ld = vnormalize(d-e);
#local test = vdot(ld,pn);
#local ps = <0,0,0>;
#if ( abs(test) < 0.00001 )
#debug "Line does not intersect plane"
#local mu = vdot((a-d),pn)/vdot(ld,pn);
#local ps = d + mu*ld;
#declare ps = PlaneAndLine(pa,pb,pc,la,lb);
sphere { ps 0.05 pigment { rgb y } }
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritone com
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