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I'm just wondering what happened to the keyrings.
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I recieved word via e-mail several days ago that they were about to be
"processed" so maybe they'll be arriving soon.
bob h
"Vampyrium" <cyb### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> I'm just wondering what happened to the keyrings.
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I hope chris remembered, that I wanted to
have one of the things to be a faulty one ....
#macro J(N A)#local a=mod(N 3);#local W=<int(mod(A,4)*2)int(-A/4)9>*2;#if
(!mod(a 2))sphere{W,2,2pigment{color rgb<a*5A/2W.x/A*5>}}#if(a<1)sphere{W
+<2,0>2 2pigment{color rgb<a*10A 10>}}#end#end#if(N>3)J(int(N/3)A+1)#end#
end blob{J(29229171 0)threshold 1translate<-6 3>}/******Jan Walzer******/
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bob h wrote:
> I recieved word via e-mail several days ago that they were about to be
> "processed" so maybe they'll be arriving soon.
They "processed" mine so well that my keys are now dangling from it. A
nice, solid job, too. Much nicer than I expected. A great job by Chris and
everyone else who participated in making this a reality. Now, it if only
had a bottle opener on it...
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bob h wrote:
> I recieved word via e-mail several days ago that they were about to be
> "processed" so maybe they'll be arriving soon.
Got mine today. Whoopeeee!
Ken Tyler
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Vampyrium wrote:
> -Hail
> I'm just wondering what happened to the keyrings.
I got mine a couple of weeks ago, from the European distributor, but
they are all the "faulty" ones.
I can see why Chris is not satisfied with the small P-logo, but it is
not so bad, that it bother me. And of course, I expect the value of
these "misprints" to rise steeply in the near future - not! :-)
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Vampyrium wrote:
> -Hail
> I'm just wondering what happened to the keyrings.
An airmail package arrived from australia to my house in england
yesterday.. Seems quite a distance for it to have been sent from, but I
guess that makes it even more special ;) I think the design is great!
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Whoo Hoo! I got my keyring today and it looks good.
Behold, for I am the keeper of the sacred coffee brewing method.
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Phil Clute scribis news:3C5### [at] tiac net:
> Whoo Hoo! I got my keyring today and it looks good.
Got mine yesterday. Me likes it a lot!
Gis poste, Arto.
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Yeah ... got mine today ...
Like it very much ... they're looking great ...
but they all seem to be second edition ...
So if there's someone, who to trade a faulty one for one of the new ones:
here I am !
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