POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Keyrings : Re: Keyrings Server Time
21 Mar 2025 10:22:22 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Keyrings  
From: Ib Rasmusen
Date: 2 Feb 2002 05:03:15
Message: <3C5BB9D6.7060207@my.email.address>
Vampyrium wrote:

>    -Hail
>   I'm just wondering what happened to the keyrings.

I got mine a couple of weeks ago, from the European distributor, but 
they are all the "faulty" ones.

I can see why Chris is not satisfied with the small P-logo, but it is 
not so bad, that it bother me. And of course, I expect the value of 
these "misprints" to rise steeply in the near future - not! :-)


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