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It's so simple, it can be done with a little patch if anyone wants to -
How about having a command for POV to print out the post-preprocessed file -
that is, the parsed file - so that if you have tons of macros and while's
and if's you can generate a parsed file with a single command and quickly
render an animation without re-parsing?
Or just saving time?
Or using the same file with minor changes?
Or making a POV X.X scene backwards compatible easily? (If it has functions
like trace())
Or just for fun?
this must be pretty easy to implement.
may your beard grow long and prosper,
Noam Lewis.
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nLewis wrote:
> It's so simple, it can be done with a little patch if anyone wants to -
> How about having a command for POV to print out the post-preprocessed file -
> that is, the parsed file - so that if you have tons of macros and while's
> and if's you can generate a parsed file with a single command and quickly
> render an animation without re-parsing?
> Or just saving time?
> Or using the same file with minor changes?
> Or making a POV X.X scene backwards compatible easily? (If it has functions
> like trace())
> Or just for fun?
> this must be pretty easy to implement.
Your asking for a kind of POB format (text readable, but still same as POB).
It could be done at the end of the parsing, running through each object,
if you add a function for each object & pigment & finish & interior & ...
that would get its data structures and produces a text output.
Beware, you might save parsing time (next time) but not space.
(a small set of #while can save you millions of lines).
Interestingly, it might convert all meshes in mesh2 format...
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nLewis <noa### [at] writeme com> wrote:
: It's so simple, it can be done with a little patch if anyone wants to -
: How about having a command for POV to print out the post-preprocessed file -
: that is, the parsed file - so that if you have tons of macros and while's
: and if's you can generate a parsed file with a single command and quickly
: render an animation without re-parsing?
So if you have a 1-kilobyte pov-file which creates a million spheres,
you'll end up with a 50-megabyte parsed file?
And this idea about having a byte-compiled version of the scene has been
already discussed 100 times before. It is possible, but not simple.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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Here's another little idea then.
It would be a nice shortcut to be able to open an .inc file from within
the .pov file by Control-Clicking on the name of the .inc file in the
But maybe that is a platform specific idea, I don't know.
Tom Stone
Domarebacken 42, 14557 Norsborg, Sweden
Phone: Int+46 8 5318 4318, Tel: 08-5318 4318
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On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 03:13:27 +0100, Tom Stone wrote:
> Here's another little idea then.
> It would be a nice shortcut to be able to open an .inc file from within
> the .pov file by Control-Clicking on the name of the .inc file in the
> source.
> But maybe that is a platform specific idea, I don't know.
It is, just because there's no cross-platform editor. But if you had
a real computer (snerk!) you'd be able to right-click and select "open
whatever.inc" from the menu.
#local R=rgb 99;#local P=R-R;#local F=pigment{gradient x}box{0,1pigment{gradient
y pigment_map{[.5F pigment_map{[.3R][.3F color_map{[.15red 99][.15P]}rotate z*45
translate x]}]#local H=pigment{gradient y color_map{[.5P][.5R]}scale 1/3}[.5F
pigment_map{[.3R][.3H][.7H][.7R]}]}}}camera{location.5-3*z}//only my opinions
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"nLewis" <noa### [at] writeme com> wrote in message
> It's so simple, it can be done with a little patch if anyone wants to -
> How about having a command for POV to print out the post-preprocessed
file -
> that is, the parsed file - so that if you have tons of macros and while's
> and if's you can generate a parsed file with a single command and quickly
> render an animation without re-parsing?
> Or just saving time?
> Or using the same file with minor changes?
> Or making a POV X.X scene backwards compatible easily? (If it has
> like trace())
> Or just for fun?
> this must be pretty easy to implement.
> may your beard grow long and prosper,
> Noam Lewis.
AFAIK, you can do this with the preprocessor from gcc. Unfortunately, I
don't remember how :)
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"Ben Chambers" <bdc### [at] hotmail com> wrote :
> >
> > may your beard grow long and prosper,
> > Noam Lewis.
> AFAIK, you can do this with the preprocessor from gcc. Unfortunately, I
> don't remember how :)
Just had to point out this personal hygiene tip.
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In article <tom### [at] d212-151-227-115 swipnet se> ,
tom### [at] swipnet se (Tom Stone) wrote:
> Here's another little idea then.
> It would be a nice shortcut to be able to open an .inc file from within
> the .pov file by Control-Clicking on the name of the .inc file in the
> source.
> But maybe that is a platform specific idea, I don't know.
In the Mac version you can open the file via the #include file menu of the
currently open window. No double-clicking yet, but very close.
As far the Windows version, I _think_ this feature is already there, but i
don't know for sure how it works.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trf de> wrote:
: As far the Windows version, I _think_ this feature is already there, but i
: don't know for sure how it works.
It is there and it works. Right-click and select 'Open "whatever.inc"' from
the menu.
In fact, it's a quite handy feature.
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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On Wed, 28 Nov 2001 00:21:48 +0200, "nLewis"
<noa### [at] writeme com> wrote:
>It's so simple, it can be done with a little patch if anyone wants to -
>How about having a command for POV to print out the post-preprocessed file -
>that is, the parsed file - so that if you have tons of macros and while's
>and if's you can generate a parsed file with a single command and quickly
>render an animation without re-parsing?
What would you do about a .pov file that generates a
.pov/.inc file and then includes it?
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