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I was thinking, while using it (v4.2), that it still has a ways to go before
it's "aesthetic". Right now, it's kinda cartoony... and ugly at that. Have
you looked a blobman face lately? Eech. Anyway, my point is that everyone
should pitch in a bit and help make blobman better. Peter Houston hasn't
POVed in almost a year, and he can't do it all by himself. We need to work
together to (among other things) refine the features of the face, and give
the user greater control over them. More poses would also be nice. I'm
working on a "sitting at the computer" pose, and trying to animate it a bit.
That would also be great, libraries of movements for blobfolk. Any takers?
Greg, maybe you would be willing to use what you've has learned with your
blob people?
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"Tony[B]" <ben### [at] catholic org> wrote in message
> I was thinking, while using it (v4.2), that it still has a ways to go before
> it's "aesthetic". Right now, it's kinda cartoony... and ugly at that. Have
> you looked a blobman face lately? Eech. Anyway, my point is that everyone
> should pitch in a bit and help make blobman better. Peter Houston hasn't
> POVed in almost a year, and he can't do it all by himself. We need to work
> together to (among other things) refine the features of the face, and give
> the user greater control over them. More poses would also be nice. I'm
> working on a "sitting at the computer" pose, and trying to animate it a bit.
> That would also be great, libraries of movements for blobfolk. Any takers?
> Greg, maybe you would be willing to use what you've has learned with your
> blob people?
If it's aesthetics you want I'm in favor of meshes. If you insist on blobs
though then you should check out the '97 irtc "School" round 2nd place winner.
Those are some of the best blob people I've ever seen. The source is included.
"Plastics" by Lorenzo Quintana Juez
Batronyx ^"^
bat### [at] cadronhsa com //old & going away
bat### [at] alliancecable net //new & active now.
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I was dozing off when I was waken up by Tony[B]:
> I was thinking, while using it (v4.2), that it still has a ways to go
> it's "aesthetic". Right now, it's kinda cartoony... and ugly at that. Have
> you looked a blobman face lately? Eech. Anyway, my point is that everyone
> should pitch in a bit and help make blobman better. Peter Houston hasn't
> POVed in almost a year, and he can't do it all by himself. We need to work
> together to (among other things) refine the features of the face, and give
> the user greater control over them. More poses would also be nice. I'm
> working on a "sitting at the computer" pose, and trying to animate it a
> That would also be great, libraries of movements for blobfolk. Any takers?
I think that the hard work has been done, i.e. creating blobman from
scratch. I'm quite sure that making blobmen look better it's not that hard:
you just need to resize this component, translate a bit that one and so on.
It would be GREAT if we could have a series of good-looking blobmen and a
library of predefined poses (just like in Poser).
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> I'm quite sure that making blobmen look better it's not that hard:
> you just need to resize this component, translate a bit that one and so
Yeah, well, who wants to do it?
> It would be GREAT if we could have a series of good-looking blobmen and a
> library of predefined poses (just like in Poser).
There *are* several poses in the blobman package. I'm working on a few more
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"Tony[B]" <ben### [at] catholic org> wrote in message
> > I'm quite sure that making blobmen look better it's not that hard:
> > you just need to resize this component, translate a bit that one and so
> on.
> Yeah, well, who wants to do it?
> > It would be GREAT if we could have a series of good-looking blobmen and a
> > library of predefined poses (just like in Poser).
> There *are* several poses in the blobman package. I'm working on a few more
> myself.
I'd love to work on the face and even the rest of the figure, but my time is
very limited - I haven't even gotten much further on my car yet. Where is this
blobman anyway? I'm very good at drawing faces - it's also very frustrating when
I get requests from people with notsopretty faces and they know I make faces
look better while maintaining resemblance.
- Nekar
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Or maybe even make BlobMan into an app that let you preview poses and export
include files...
camera{location<0,0.25,-2> look_at 0.5*y} #declare T=texture{pigment{crackle
scale 0.5 rotate 90 turbulence 0.75 color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.05 rgb 1][0.1
rgb<1,0.25,1>][0.25 rgbf 1][1 rgbf 1]}} finish{ambient 1}} #declare
c=difference{torus{0.5,0.1 rotate -90*x}box{<0.7,0,0.2>,<-0.7,-0.7,-0.2>}}
merge{object{c translate<0.5,0.5,0>} object{c translate<-0.5,0.5,0>}
cylinder{<1,0.5,0>,<1,0,0>,0.1} cylinder{<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,0,0>,0.1}
cylinder{0.5*y,0,0.1} texture{T}}
"JRG" <jrg### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message
> I was dozing off when I was waken up by Tony[B]:
> > I was thinking, while using it (v4.2), that it still has a ways to go
> before
> > it's "aesthetic". Right now, it's kinda cartoony... and ugly at that.
> > you looked a blobman face lately? Eech. Anyway, my point is that
> > should pitch in a bit and help make blobman better. Peter Houston hasn't
> > POVed in almost a year, and he can't do it all by himself. We need to
> > together to (among other things) refine the features of the face, and
> > the user greater control over them. More poses would also be nice. I'm
> > working on a "sitting at the computer" pose, and trying to animate it a
> bit.
> > That would also be great, libraries of movements for blobfolk. Any
> I think that the hard work has been done, i.e. creating blobman from
> scratch. I'm quite sure that making blobmen look better it's not that
> you just need to resize this component, translate a bit that one and so
> It would be GREAT if we could have a series of good-looking blobmen and a
> library of predefined poses (just like in Poser).
> --
> Jonathan.
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"Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote :
> I'm very good at drawing faces - it's also very frustrating when
> I get requests from people with notsopretty faces and they know I make
> look better while maintaining resemblance.
Um... You know that this is a -very- marketable skill, don't you?
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"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> "Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote :
> >
> > I'm very good at drawing faces - it's also very frustrating when
> > I get requests from people with notsopretty faces and they know I make
> faces
> > look better while maintaining resemblance.
> Um... You know that this is a -very- marketable skill, don't you?
I don't know if it's marketable enough to make a living off it. I always see
these poor-looking people on the streets drawing faces - maybe it's different in
the US? I do a few drawings every now and then. I work with oil pastels or
coloured pencils. I can also do acrylic paintings, I could do oil but I can't
take those fumes...
The notsopretty faces take longer to do though and I couldn't change my price
depending on how nice the face looks...
- Nekar
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"Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote :
> I don't know if it's marketable enough to make a living off it. I always
> these poor-looking people on the streets drawing faces - maybe it's
different in
> the US?
No, we have those too, but the guys who know what they are doing don't
go near the street. The street is for practice maybe. What you do is market
yourself to ugly people who have money and want heirlooms.
> I do a few drawings every now and then. I work with oil pastels or
> coloured pencils. I can also do acrylic paintings, I could do oil but I
> take those fumes...
Get an exhaust fan.
> The notsopretty faces take longer to do though and I couldn't change my
> depending on how nice the face looks...
Well set the price high to begin with. Some people won't hire you no
matter how skilled you are unless you charge them three time as much as is
Actually I was just sort of joking, but the principle is true. If you
can give people what they want, you can charge what they can pay, so aim
yourself at people who can pay the most.
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"Bill DeWitt" <bde### [at] cfl rr com> wrote in message
> "Nekar Xenos" <j-p### [at] citywalk co za> wrote :
> >
> > I don't know if it's marketable enough to make a living off it. I always
> see
> > these poor-looking people on the streets drawing faces - maybe it's
> different in
> > the US?
> No, we have those too, but the guys who know what they are doing don't
> go near the street. The street is for practice maybe. What you do is market
> yourself to ugly people who have money and want heirlooms.
> > I do a few drawings every now and then. I work with oil pastels or
> > coloured pencils. I can also do acrylic paintings, I could do oil but I
> can't
> > take those fumes...
> Get an exhaust fan.
> > The notsopretty faces take longer to do though and I couldn't change my
> price
> > depending on how nice the face looks...
> Well set the price high to begin with. Some people won't hire you no
> matter how skilled you are unless you charge them three time as much as is
> reasonable.
> Actually I was just sort of joking, but the principle is true. If you
> can give people what they want, you can charge what they can pay, so aim
> yourself at people who can pay the most.
Thanks Bill, I'll give it a try.
- Nekar
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Version: 6.0.282 / Virus Database: 150 - Release Date: 2001/09/25
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