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Not really a question but...
I did an object with a texture that uses a loop to generate random
values for a color_map. It was working well. Then I took my texture
definition out of the object and "#declare" it to reuse it. It was not
working anymore (parsing error on the first '#' symbol).
I think (didn't tried it yet) that I will have to put my texture in a
macro in order to use it with the loop in it. Am I right ?
When does the interpretation of the texture definition takes place ?
When parsing the #declare ? Or each time it is included in an object ?
thanks for the details.
David Gemelli.
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"gemelli david" <d.g### [at] xlstudio com> wrote in message
news:3C5### [at] xlstudio com...
Nothing to stop you putting it in a macro, but you shouldn't need to. The
following code works....
#local Count = 0;
#declare Tex1 =
bozo scale 0.1
#while(Count < 10)
[Count/10 rgb Count/10]
#local Count = Count + 1;
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If you post the source , we could do a better job of finding the problem
"Grey Knight" contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoo com" }
site_of_week{ url "http://digilander.iol.it/jrgpov" }
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