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I'm looking for a light that its power will be reduced by distance
(squared distance)
light_source {} seems to just spread out and not lose its power.
Also, atmosphere, halogen, and many other features don't work at 3.1g.
I have several neon-lights - 4 red, green, and blue.
when I place a light-source on them (I can also use looks_like) on the
appropriate color,
everything gets colored in white, except for tiny areas which are on
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Eitan Tal wrote:
> I'm looking for a light that its power will be reduced by distance
> (squared distance)
> light_source {} seems to just spread out and not lose its power.
> Also, atmosphere, halogen, and many other features don't work at 3.1g.
> I have several neon-lights - 4 red, green, and blue.
> when I place a light-source on them (I can also use looks_like) on the
> appropriate color,
> everything gets colored in white, except for tiny areas which are on
> shaded.
How about fade_power and fade_distance?
See chapter in the 3.5 docs.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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I have an old Pov-Ray version - 3.1g.
it doesn't support atmosphere, halogen, and several light settings.
I'm getting a new version.
Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Eitan Tal wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking for a light that its power will be reduced by distance
> > (squared distance)
> > light_source {} seems to just spread out and not lose its power.
> > Also, atmosphere, halogen, and many other features don't work at 3.1g.
> >
> > I have several neon-lights - 4 red, green, and blue.
> > when I place a light-source on them (I can also use looks_like) on the
> > appropriate color,
> > everything gets colored in white, except for tiny areas which are on
> > shaded.
> How about fade_power and fade_distance?
> See chapter in the 3.5 docs.
> Christoph
> --
> Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
> IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
> things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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Hey, it is not old, it's the current one, while 3.5 is still beta.
Atmosphere, and halo (if this is what you mean) were replaced in your
version (and will be in all following ones) by media, which is much more
fade_power and fade_distance are supported by 3.1g and you really should
check the docs about those features.
Eitan Tal schrieb in Nachricht <3BB859BA.2E31F4A5@netvision.net.il>...
>I have an old Pov-Ray version - 3.1g.
>it doesn't support atmosphere, halogen, and several light settings.
>I'm getting a new version.
>Christoph Hormann wrote:
>> Eitan Tal wrote:
>> >
>> > I'm looking for a light that its power will be reduced by distance
>> > (squared distance)
>> > light_source {} seems to just spread out and not lose its power.
>> > Also, atmosphere, halogen, and many other features don't work at 3.1g.
>> >
>> > I have several neon-lights - 4 red, green, and blue.
>> > when I place a light-source on them (I can also use looks_like) on the
>> > appropriate color,
>> > everything gets colored in white, except for tiny areas which are on
>> > shaded.
>> How about fade_power and fade_distance?
>> See chapter in the 3.5 docs.
>> Christoph
>> --
>> Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
>> IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
>> things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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Eitan Tal <eit### [at] netvision net il> wrote:
: I have an old Pov-Ray version - 3.1g.
: it doesn't support atmosphere, halogen, and several light settings.
And what the heck does fade_distance and fade_power have to do with those
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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