While I have never attempted to use the .NET framework on linux, I
understand it is possible, and seems to be growing in popularity.
Hell, I'd be willing to give it a shot.
Like I said, I am more than willing to throw in my share of code on this.
I *do* have most of the code needed for the features I laid out sitting on
my hdd in chunks right now from other projects and web apps I've built.
Note that I do not want to be the only one working on this though!
(bathed in gastly light from the baleful eye of the entire pov community)
It would be nice to get a few devs together and establish some sort of
consensus on the lang/platform/db/framework to be used(*without* infinite
debate), and throw some code together in a quick/dirty/small proof of
concept, and then go from there. Sort of a feasibility study.
You know where I am going with the operation of the site, and know where my
vote is cast.
I can be of most use to the project if it uses .NET, but honestly I don't
even care if the app is written in sumerian slashed into the burning flesh
of the damned by Abezithibod himself...
I just want the IRTC back and wouldn't at all mind helping. :-p
So whats next? :-)
"Chris Cason" <del### [at] deletethistoo povray org> wrote in
message news:47afa4a2$1@news.povray.org...
> [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
>> I still like C#/ASP.NET for it. ;-)
> We use PHP, and the POVCOMP code is written in it. The server runs Apache
> 2
> on FreeBSD.
> If, however, as a few in this thread have suggested, it is possible to run
> C#/ASP.NET on a Linux system I would be happy to set this up, and in fact
> would even be quite interested in seeing if it would work well. I am not a
> great fan of PHP, even though it's used extensively throughout the POV
> site. (Basically I don't mind it but I would welcome something better).
> -- Chris
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