This is just something that I always wish there was something in POV-Ray where
you could just do something like:
#displaydefault {media}
#man media
or something similar.
I usually [try to] embed some sort of debugging output flag into my code so that
when it's enabled, the code spits out any (ok, every) relevant value.
Perhaps something to think about for 4.0 so that the software itself can answer
questions instead of / in addition to a separate documentation page.
Think "measurement", not "label".
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On 02/16/2018 01:44 PM, Alain wrote:
> Le 18-02-16 à 07:56, William F Pokorny a écrit :
>> On 02/15/2018 07:36 PM, Alain wrote:
> Then, the various defaults should be given for each sampling methods.
> Default :
> Sampling method = 3
> samples 10 (if you use two values, the second will be silently ignored)
> intervals 1 (Don't change as it drastically increase rendering time)
> confidance, variance are not used.
> Optional methods are 1 and 2. For those the defaults are :
> samples min 1 max 1
> intervals 10
> ...
Better documentation on what settings are used by each media method
would be helpful for sure, but today the defaults set are the same no
matter the method defaulted or set. In other words, there are not
different defaults set for methods 1 & 2 should the user specify one of
those in the media.
Aside: Not universally true, but often keywords and their settings can
be given in any order in a block {}. Further you can often later in a
parse refer to a defined 'item' and override some part of it. Useful,
but this freedom makes having different default sets or sanity checking
a group of settings for consistency during the parsing phase more
difficult. The only place where I know we've today got some pseudo post
parse checking is with patterns and in that case the extra verification
happens only with the pavement and tiling patterns.
Bill P.
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On 2/15/2018 4:17 PM, dick balaska wrote:
> On 02/15/2018 04:03 PM, Mike Horvath wrote:
>> Off-topic, but your posts always show up as belonging to clipka in
>> Thunderbird. I think it is because you both use the same anonymous
>> email address.
>> Mike
> I don't see that. (Thunderbird/Ubuntu).
> You likely have anonymous in your address book and it substitutes.
Yes. I since removed clipka from my address book (sorry, Christoph!),
and Bill's name is showing up correctly now.
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