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I'm not real happy with the DOS tga to avi and tga to mpeg utilities I've
found so far, and I'm designing a Windows based script-driven movie editor
to do the job right (I hope). What I have in mind is a scripted conversion
process. Here's a sample script showing some of the proposed capabilites.
Does anyone have suggestions for features and capabilities they'd like to
see in such a program. (BTW: I'm a programmer with 35+years experience, so
I think I can pull it off <grin>)
// SAMPLE ANIM8 script
//Global file info
filename( sample.avi )
codec( CinePak )
color_depth ( 24 )
frame_rate ( 15 ) // 15 frames per second
// Fade in to image 1 for 8 frames, then run scene 1 with images
// image01.tga through image24.tga
fade_to { image01.tga frames(8) }
scene { image01.tga .. image24.tga } // scene has 24 frames
// now fade from scene 1 to scene 2 with 8 frames of disolve overlap
fade_to { next_scene frames(8) }
scene { scene2_01 .. scene2_72 // scene has 72 frames
overlay { title1.bmp matte( title1Mat.bmp) // with optional
alpha-channel bitmap
fade_in ( 10 18 ) // fade in title1.tga over this
// scene starting with frame 10
// and ending fade_in at frame
fade_out ( 35 43 ) // fade out title starting at
// frame 35. Gone by frame 43
overlay { title2.gif
fade_in ( 39 47 ) // title two fades in as title
// one fades out (disolve)
// at this point there are three bitmaps mixed in each frame.
// The animation sequence, ( scene2_??.tga), title1 (fading out)
// and title2 ( fading in )
fade_out ( 64 72 ) // title two fades out frame 64
to 72
fade_to { Black frames(8) } // and whole scene fades to black
// along with title2
// now fade in scene 3 (8 frames of fade in)
fade_to { scene3_05.tga .. scene3_60.tga frames(8) ) // start the next
// wipe, left to right. scene 4 replaces scene 3 with a horizontal wipe
// lasting 10 frames
wipe_to { next_scene direction( horizontal left_right ) frames( 10 ) }
scene { scene4_01.tga .. scene4_48.tga
// scene 4 is played in slow motion (over_crank(0.75)) at 3/4 speed.
scene { ending1.tga frames(3) // show this image for 3 frames
ending2.tga frames(2) // and this one for 2 frames
endgin3.tga .. ending9.tga // then run regular speed
fade_to { Black frames(10) }
// and so on...
The script would be parsed into an internal frame by frame description of
which images would appear in each frame (including fade in/fade out levels
for each image in each frame) and then the whole avi (or mpeg) would be
constructed frame by frame based on that editing info.
Any suggestions and ideas would be very welcome.
(P.S. The completed project will be Freeware, and I'll probably make the
C++ source code available too.)
Gary Shannon
< reb### [at] rio com >
< gar### [at] sierra com >
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Gary Shannon wrote:
> I'm not real happy with the DOS tga to avi and tga to mpeg utilities I've
> found so far, and I'm designing a Windows based script-driven movie editor
> to do the job right (I hope). What I have in mind is a scripted conversion
> process. Here's a sample script showing some of the proposed capabilites.
> Does anyone have suggestions for features and capabilities they'd like to
> see in such a program. (BTW: I'm a programmer with 35+years experience, so
> I think I can pull it off <grin>)
< sample snipped>
Sounds like a pretty cool idea.
I only looked briefly at the sample script but if you could post a
syntax definition, I think it would be easier to see what features
you've already come up with.
I don't think I saw x,y offsets for overlayed images.
How about loops
loop{ scene{ ... } loops(3) } or such like.
Well I'm looking forward to seeing it up and running :)
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PoD <pod### [at] merlin net au> wrote in article <353### [at] merlin net au>...
> < sample snipped>
> Sounds like a pretty cool idea.
> I only looked briefly at the sample script but if you could post a
> syntax definition, I think it would be easier to see what features
> you've already come up with.
> I don't think I saw x,y offsets for overlayed images.
> How about loops
> loop{ scene{ ... } loops(3) } or such like.
> Well I'm looking forward to seeing it up and running :)
> Cheers,
> PoD.
Those both sound like good suggestions. I'm working out the details of the
syntax right now. I can post a complete description and syntax on my web
page when it's ready.
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PoD <pod### [at] merlin net au> wrote in article <353### [at] merlin net au>...
> Sounds like a pretty cool idea.
> I only looked briefly at the sample script but if you could post a
> syntax definition, I think it would be easier to see what features
> you've already come up with.
> I don't think I saw x,y offsets for overlayed images.
> How about loops
> loop{ scene{ ... } loops(3) } or such like.
> Well I'm looking forward to seeing it up and running :)
> Cheers,
> PoD.
I'm hoping this will turn out to be the "ultimate" POV->AVI/MPEG movie
making tool.
The propsed specifications and what there is of the syntax definition can
be found at http://www.rio.com/~reboot/moviola.html
I'd love to hear comments and ideas to make it better.
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