POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Newcomer to POV with questions Server Time
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  Newcomer to POV with questions (Message 4 to 13 of 13)  
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From: Edward Wedig
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 10 Feb 1998 05:17:50
Message: <34E02941.208D@kreber.com>
Wykan wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I am relatively new to ray tracing and to POV, and I am trying to sort out
> the complex flood of information. Perhaps someone can answer a few
> questions for me:
> # 1 - Do I need anything besides POV to do ray tracings? It seems that I do
> not, but I have heard much talk of the various utilities available, such as
> Moray, Texture Magic, and others. Are these utilities necessary, or merely
> helpful?

The extra utilities and .inc files are merely helpful. You do not need
them to start raytracing.
> # 2 - Which among the various utilities available are Shareware? Or better
> yet, Freeware?

I'm not sure, as I do not use Moray or Texture Magic.
> # 3 - Which ones are compatible with Windows95? DOS is evil, and I want
> nothing to do with it.

Ah, another user brainwashed by M$. <shaking my head>

> # 4 - I am particularly interested in creating animation; what utilities
> (if any) will I need?

Your best bet is to get Dta. This utility will let you make your tga
frames into a fli animation file. I think it's available at the povray
homepage (www.povray.org) under utilities.
> Any assistance, advice, or information will be greatly appreciated. Please
> feel free to send E-mail to me at Wyk### [at] usanet.
> Wykan

Edward Wedig
Content Management
Kreber Graphics
Columbus, OH

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From: s1631001
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 28 Nov 2001 09:49:07
Message: <3C04F978.4025B34@namtar.qub.ac.uk>
Wykan wrote:
> DOS is evil, and I want nothing to do with it.

You dishonour me sir! I challenge you to a duel; reflective spheres over
checkered planes at 50 paces!

From the Grey Knight
//  Grey Knight's site of the week: 
url{ "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }

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From: Timothy R  Cook
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 28 Nov 2001 10:47:22
Message: <3C050698.75AAA19F@scifi-fantasy.com>
s1631001 wrote:
> You dishonour me sir! I challenge you to a duel; reflective
> spheres over checkered planes at 50 paces!

And to think all this time I thought 'reflective spheres over
checkered planes' was the POV equivalent of the Catholic
Hail Mary...
Tim Cook

Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--

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From: s1631001
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 29 Nov 2001 06:36:22
Message: <3C061DCC.EC8F8F2A@namtar.qub.ac.uk>

My newsreader tends to jump around more or less randomly when opening a
newsgroup; as a result, I sometimes find myself trying to carry on
conversations which finished months or, as in this case, years ago. By
now this guy has probably won IRTC 3 times.
Ho hum. In future, I'm going to learn to check the date on posts before
replying to them. Still, it encouraged me to try a few new takes on
RSOCP, so it's not all bad...

  "Grey Knight"
    email "gre### [at] yahoocom"
    url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com"

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From: blessing
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 29 Nov 2001 07:11:24
Message: <3c0625ec@news.povray.org>
it was a good image though.


s1631001 <s16### [at] namtarqubacuk> wrote in message
> Ahem.
> My newsreader tends to jump around more or less randomly when opening a
> newsgroup; as a result, I sometimes find myself trying to carry on
> conversations which finished months or, as in this case, years ago. By
> now this guy has probably won IRTC 3 times.
> Ho hum. In future, I'm going to learn to check the date on posts before
> replying to them. Still, it encouraged me to try a few new takes on
> RSOCP, so it's not all bad...
> --
> signature{
>   "Grey Knight"
>   contact{
>     email "gre### [at] yahoocom"
>   }
>   site_of_week{
>     url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com"
>   }
> }

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From: s1631001
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 29 Nov 2001 15:13:17
Message: <3C0696F4.97D5E755@namtar.qub.ac.uk>
blessing wrote:
> it was a good image though.

Thanks. I was experimenting with my latest macro, which generates a
sphere from a set of hyperbolic non-cartesian splines. The results still
leave a little to be desired, but I'm working on it. The plane uses a
macro I wrote a while back, which averages several 3-d trigonometric
waves to approximate an infinite, flat surface.
What looks like a sky_sphere is in fact an infinitely large polynomial
surface defined in Hilbert-space; one of my first experiments with
isosurfaces. I quite like it.

  "Grey Knight"
    email "gre### [at] yahoocom"
    url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com"

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From: Marc-Hendrik Bremer
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 29 Nov 2001 16:35:44
Message: <3c06aa30@news.povray.org>
s1631001 schrieb in Nachricht <3C0696F4.97D5E755@namtar.qub.ac.uk>...
>blessing wrote:
>> it was a good image though.
>Thanks. I was experimenting with my latest macro, which generates a

Oh, that sounds very interesting. Can we see the source, please?


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From: s1631001
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 30 Nov 2001 06:08:53
Message: <3C0768DC.90F54459@namtar.qub.ac.uk>
Marc-Hendrik Bremer wrote:
> Oh, that sounds very interesting. Can we see the source, please?

You know I was making all that up, right? Seriously, this one *is* made
from an isosurface, and I've included the source to prove it.

  "Grey Knight"
  contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoocom" }
  site_of_week{ url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }

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Download 'us-ascii' (2 KB) Download 'rsocp2.png' (41 KB)

Preview of image 'rsocp2.png'


From: Marc-Hendrik Bremer
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 30 Nov 2001 09:44:35
Message: <3c079b53@news.povray.org>
s1631001 schrieb in Nachricht <3C0768DC.90F54459@namtar.qub.ac.uk>...
>You know I was making all that up, right?

Of course :-)

> Seriously, this one *is* made from an isosurface, and I've included the
source to prove it.

To be honest I had to look at the Isosurface manual to find out, what a
strophoid is. Not bad, as this one is a bit differed reflective sphere over
checkered floor. Just reports 1 object, 0 infinitives in the stats, doesn't

Anyone willing to beat that?


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From: blessing
Subject: Re: Newcomer to POV with questions
Date: 30 Nov 2001 22:27:27
Message: <3c084e1f@news.povray.org>
well that proves that I need to read the docs some more, I believed you :-)

boy do I feel stupid.

s1631001 <s16### [at] namtarqubacuk> wrote in message
> Marc-Hendrik Bremer wrote:
> > Oh, that sounds very interesting. Can we see the source, please?
> You know I was making all that up, right? Seriously, this one *is* made
> from an isosurface, and I've included the source to prove it.
> --
> signature{
>   "Grey Knight"
>   contact{ email "gre### [at] yahoocom" }
>   site_of_week{ url "http://mathworld.wolfram.com" }
> }


> file://@--------Include
> #version unofficial MegaPov 0.7;
> #declare View_POV_Include_Stack=1;  file://comment this line to deactivate
> #include "colors.inc"
> #include "metals.inc"
> #declare CamPos = <-5, 5,-20>;
> #declare CamLook = < 0, 0, 0>;
> camera{
>   location  CamPos
>   look_at   CamLook
> }
> light_source{
>   CamPos + < 0, 0, 0>
>   White
> }
> #declare SkyPig =
> pigment{
>   bozo
>   turbulence 0.65
>   pigment_map{
>     [ 0.00 White ]
>     [ 0.25 White ]
>     [ 0.50 SkyBlue ]
>     [ 1.00 SkyBlue ]
>   }
>   rotate 90*y
>   scale <.5, .2, .5>
>   scale .5
> }
> #declare GroundTex =
> texture{
>   pigment{
>     checker Black,White
>   }
>   scale .5
> }
> #declare SphereTex = texture{ T_Chrome_3B }
> #declare h=100;
> #declare rsocpFunc =
> function{
>   "strophoid" <.2,2,0,.9>
> }
> isosurface{
>   function{ rsocpFunc(-y,x,z) }
>   contained_by{ box{ <-h,-1,-h>,<h,2,h> } }
>   max_gradient 35.573
>   eval
>   sign -1
>   method 2
>   accuracy .0001
>   texture{
>     gradient y
>     translate -.5*y
>     scale <0,5,0>
>     texture_map{
>       [ 0.0 GroundTex ]
>       [ 0.5 GroundTex ]
>       [ 0.5 SphereTex ]
>       [ 1.0 SphereTex ]
>     }
>   }
>   scale 4
> }
> background{ Black }
> sky_sphere{ pigment{ SkyPig } }


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