POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Media tutorial (emission) Server Time
21 Dec 2024 11:52:36 EST (-0500)
  Media tutorial (emission) (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Toni Bratincevic
Subject: Media tutorial (emission)
Date: 9 Aug 2000 05:17:15
Message: <3991219b@news.povray.org>

There are probably many mistakes in grammar, because my english is not very
The document is doc-word95 format and it has 2.8 mb zipped (9mb unzipped)
and it explains some basics of some advanced techniques.

I would like If you send me any comments about tutorial, some corrections,

I will continue writing this tutorial and explain many situations where
media can be used, specially emission, but I would like now to get feedback
from you.


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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: Media tutorial (emission)
Date: 9 Aug 2000 05:34:07
Message: <399125A8.C0A5F05E@schunter.etc.tu-bs.de>
Toni Bratincevic wrote:
> http://members.xoom.com/Intercepto/tutorials/media.zip
> There are probably many mistakes in grammar, because my english is not very
> good.
> The document is doc-word95 format and it has 2.8 mb zipped (9mb unzipped)
> and it explains some basics of some advanced techniques.
> I would like If you send me any comments about tutorial, some corrections,
> proposals.
> I will continue writing this tutorial and explain many situations where
> media can be used, specially emission, but I would like now to get feedback
> from you.
> Toni.

Looks impressively detailed, even though you totally focus on emitting media. 
Nice detailed introduction into the density stuff.  The warptexture macro seems
a good idea, even though i did not yet get to really understand it :-)

How about converting it to HTML and putting it on the Web...


Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde>
Homepage: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/

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