POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : size limit on binaries ?? Server Time
21 Dec 2024 21:56:36 EST (-0500)
  size limit on binaries ?? (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: MR
Subject: size limit on binaries ??
Date: 11 Aug 1999 09:01:25
Message: <37b17425@news.povray.org>

i'm sure its noted somewhere, but instead of me having to dig for
it could somebody tell me the size limit for binary posts.

i'm writing a tutorial on a human motion include file, and a few
sample AVI's just naturally go along with it.  this would push the
size over 10MB.  most likely this is just way to big of a download
and i need to do without the demo AVI's.  and i just hate animated
gifs... i think i'd rather go with a series of stills instead.

thanks, miker

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From: Dave Kreskowiak
Subject: Re: size limit on binaries ??
Date: 11 Aug 1999 11:39:00
Message: <37b19914@news.povray.org>
This server allows a post of 1MB.

MR <a### [at] bnet> wrote in message news:37b17425@news.povray.org...
> hello,
> i'm sure its noted somewhere, but instead of me having to dig for
> it could somebody tell me the size limit for binary posts.
> i'm writing a tutorial on a human motion include file, and a few
> sample AVI's just naturally go along with it.  this would push the
> size over 10MB.  most likely this is just way to big of a download
> and i need to do without the demo AVI's.  and i just hate animated
> gifs... i think i'd rather go with a series of stills instead.
> thanks, miker

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From: Edward C 
Subject: Re: size limit on binaries ??
Date: 12 Aug 1999 05:48:52
Message: <37b29884@news.povray.org>
If you have access to some space on a web-server (it seems most people can
get some without having to leave thier desks), it may be a better option to
put your tutorial there then write a brief description of it and post that
here in-stead.

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From: Marvin Taylor
Subject: Re: size limit on binaries ??
Date: 28 Jan 2004 12:04:11
Message: <4017eb8b$1@news.povray.org>
MR wrote:
> hello,
> i'm sure its noted somewhere, but instead of me having to dig for
> it could somebody tell me the size limit for binary posts.
> i'm writing a tutorial on a human motion include file, and a few
> sample AVI's just naturally go along with it.  this would push the
> size over 10MB.  most likely this is just way to big of a download
> and i need to do without the demo AVI's.  and i just hate animated
> gifs... i think i'd rather go with a series of stills instead.

As one of many who has fast machines but a SLOOOOWWWW internet 
connection, I'd suggest making a smaller source-only archive for 


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