POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Spatch Server Time
21 Dec 2024 22:30:28 EST (-0500)
  Spatch (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Nick Portelli
Subject: Spatch
Date: 2 Jul 1999 11:13:33
Message: <377CE5E0.4282635@pilot.msu.edu>
I'm finally getting around to useing spatch and was wondering if there
was any other new tutorials.  Spatch says you can add points to the
endpoints and midpoints of a segment.  I have not figured out how to add
one to a mid point.  If any one knows please tell me.  Thanks,.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Spatch
Date: 19 Jul 1999 08:42:19
Message: <37931E69.88A4CB98@nitg.tno.nl>
In the following site by Anto Matkovic there is a very comprehensive
tutorial for making heads. He explains also the way to add mid and end
point to a spline.

Have fun!!

Nick Portelli wrote:
> I'm finally getting around to useing spatch and was wondering if there
> was any other new tutorials.  Spatch says you can add points to the
> endpoints and midpoints of a segment.  I have not figured out how to add
> one to a mid point.  If any one knows please tell me.  Thanks,.


Thomas A.M. de Groot
  Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO - National Geological
  Geo-Marine and Coast Department
  Head, Coastal Research Section
    P.O. Box 80015
    3508 TA Utrecht
    The Netherlands

  Phone: +31 30 256 45 58 (direct dialling)
  Fax: +31 30 256 45 55

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From: Alan Holding
Subject: Re: Spatch
Date: 26 Jul 1999 14:08:22
Message: <379ca416@news.povray.org>
Nick Portelli wrote in message <377### [at] pilotmsuedu>...
>I'm finally getting around to useing spatch and was wondering if there
>was any other new tutorials.  Spatch says you can add points to the
>endpoints and midpoints of a segment.  I have not figured out how to add
>one to a mid point.  If any one knows please tell me.  Thanks,.

Have you been to Dom's home?


Scroll down the page for links to the sPatch tutorials.


ICQ 27372656

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