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Image in .images
simple media example
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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Download 'a00114_gid_by_raf256_com.pov.txt' (3 KB)
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sorry, but can't see the .pov file in netscape-newsreader
Rafal 'Raf256' Maj schrieb:
> Image in .images
> simple media example
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spr### [at] web de news:402### [at] web de
> sorry, but can't see the .pov file in netscape-newsreader
just copy/paste into *.pov :
A-00114 Grid
by Rafal Maj 'Raf256'
mailto:raf### [at] raf256 com
#declare QQ_MEDIA = 1;
#declare CFG_FOG = 0.30; // <-- for strength
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2
max_trace_level 50
camera {
location <-70, 81, -90>*1.5 // <-- camera X,Y,Z positon (left, up, back)
#local P=<-3,5,5>; // <-- look at X,Y,Z
look_at P
angle 57
#if (1)
focal_point P
aperture 1
blur_samples 20
variance 1/64
confidence 0.98
fog {
color rgb <.2,.25,.3>*.5
distance 100/CFG_FOG
#declare Mat1 = material {
#if (QQ_MEDIA=0) texture { pigment { color <.6,.8,.97> filter .5 } finish { ambient
.5 } }
texture { pigment { rgbf 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 } }
interior {
media {
#local C =<.3,.4,.99>;
#local C2=<.3,.6,1.2>;
density { cylindrical
//color_map {[0 rgb .1*C][.2 rgb .15*C][0 rgb .3*C][.5 rgb .3*(C+C2)/2][.8
rgb .8*C2][1 rgb 1*C2]}
color_map {[0 rgb C*0][0.5 rgb C*0.25][1 rgb C2]}
emission .05
#declare Mat2 = material {
#if (QQ_MEDIA=0) texture { pigment { color <.6,.8,.97> filter .5 } finish { ambient
.5 } }
texture { pigment { rgbf 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 } }
interior {
media {
#local C=<.3,.72,.99>;
density { cylindrical color_map {[0 rgb 0*C][.5 rgb .3*C][.8 rgb .7*C][1 rgb
1*C]} }
emission .6
#local A1=-4; #local A2=+4; // <--- number of grid lines
#local E = 220; // <--- space between grid lines
#local R = 12; // <--- grid line thicknes
#local ofs = <12,1,2>; // <-- grid offset
#local J=A1; #while (J<A2) #local I=A1; #while (I<A2)
#declare obj =
cylinder {
y*-1000 y*+1000 1
material { Mat1 }
scale <R,1,R>
rotate z*90 translate <0,I,J>*E
object { obj translate ofs }
object { obj rotate y*90 translate ofs }
object { obj rotate z*90 translate ofs }
#local I=I+1; #end #local J=J+1; #end
#macro Cross(_a)
#local obj = merge {
cylinder { y*-50 y*-_a 1 }
sphere { 0 1 scale <1, 4, 1> translate -y*50 }
material { Mat2 } scale <9,1,9>
merge {
object { obj rotate z* 0 }
object { obj rotate z*180 }
object { obj rotate z*90 }
object { obj rotate z*270 }
object { obj rotate z*270 rotate y*90 }
object { obj rotate z*270 rotate y*270 }
object { Cross(12) translate <-2,2,-3>/2+ofs }
#local objCross = Cross(3)
#local J=A1; #while (J<A2) #local I=A1; #while (I<A2) #local K=A1; #while (K<A2)
#if (I | J | K)
object { objCross scale 1/3 translate <I,J,K>*E + ofs }
#local K=K+1; #end #local I=I+1; #end #local J=J+1; #end
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From: espri128
Subject: Re: A-114 Grid Media - 1 attachment
Date: 5 Feb 2004 15:56:16
Message: <4022AE18.709@web.de>
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Hi Rafal,
Rafal 'Raf256' Maj schrieb:
> spr### [at] web de news:402### [at] web de
>>sorry, but can't see the .pov file in netscape-newsreader
> just copy/paste into *.pov :
> /*
> A-00114 Grid
> by Rafal Maj 'Raf256'
> http://www.raf256.com/
> http://www.raf256.com/3d/pov/
> mailto:raf### [at] raf256 com
> */
> #declare QQ_MEDIA = 1;
> #declare CFG_FOG = 0.30; // <-- for strength
> global_settings {
> assumed_gamma 2
> max_trace_level 50
> }
> camera {
> location <-70, 81, -90>*1.5 // <-- camera X,Y,Z positon (left, up, back)
> #local P=<-3,5,5>; // <-- look at X,Y,Z
> look_at P
> angle 57
> #if (1)
> focal_point P
> aperture 1
> blur_samples 20
> variance 1/64
> confidence 0.98
> #end
> }
> fog {
> color rgb <.2,.25,.3>*.5
> distance 100/CFG_FOG
> }
> #declare Mat1 = material {
> #if (QQ_MEDIA=0) texture { pigment { color <.6,.8,.97> filter .5 } finish {
ambient .5 } }
> #else
> texture { pigment { rgbf 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 } }
> interior {
> media {
> #local C =<.3,.4,.99>;
> #local C2=<.3,.6,1.2>;
> density { cylindrical
> //color_map {[0 rgb .1*C][.2 rgb .15*C][0 rgb .3*C][.5 rgb
.3*(C+C2)/2][.8 rgb .8*C2][1 rgb 1*C2]}
> color_map {[0 rgb C*0][0.5 rgb C*0.25][1 rgb C2]}
> }
> emission .05
> }
> }
> #end
> }
> #declare Mat2 = material {
> #if (QQ_MEDIA=0) texture { pigment { color <.6,.8,.97> filter .5 } finish {
ambient .5 } }
> #else
> texture { pigment { rgbf 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 } }
> interior {
> media {
> #local C=<.3,.72,.99>;
> density { cylindrical color_map {[0 rgb 0*C][.5 rgb .3*C][.8 rgb .7*C][1 rgb
1*C]} }
> emission .6
> }
> }
> #end
> }
> #local A1=-4; #local A2=+4; // <--- number of grid lines
> #local E = 220; // <--- space between grid lines
> #local R = 12; // <--- grid line thicknes
> #local ofs = <12,1,2>; // <-- grid offset
> #local J=A1; #while (J<A2) #local I=A1; #while (I<A2)
> #declare obj =
> cylinder {
> y*-1000 y*+1000 1
> material { Mat1 }
> hollow
> scale <R,1,R>
> rotate z*90 translate <0,I,J>*E
> }
> object { obj translate ofs }
> object { obj rotate y*90 translate ofs }
> object { obj rotate z*90 translate ofs }
> #local I=I+1; #end #local J=J+1; #end
> #macro Cross(_a)
> #local obj = merge {
> cylinder { y*-50 y*-_a 1 }
> sphere { 0 1 scale <1, 4, 1> translate -y*50 }
> material { Mat2 } scale <9,1,9>
> hollow
> }
> merge {
> object { obj rotate z* 0 }
> object { obj rotate z*180 }
> object { obj rotate z*90 }
> object { obj rotate z*270 }
> object { obj rotate z*270 rotate y*90 }
> object { obj rotate z*270 rotate y*270 }
> }
> #end
> object { Cross(12) translate <-2,2,-3>/2+ofs }
> #local objCross = Cross(3)
> #local J=A1; #while (J<A2) #local I=A1; #while (I<A2) #local K=A1; #while (K<A2)
> #if (I | J | K)
> object { objCross scale 1/3 translate <I,J,K>*E + ofs }
> #end
> #local K=K+1; #end #local I=I+1; #end #local J=J+1; #end
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Rafal posts in UU-encode format.
I can not directly read that in my netscape either.
work around:
save file as *.uue (perhaps remove an extra .eml
extension later)
now you can read the file in e.g. winzip.
Winzip is quite forgiving with non UUE text
(i.e. the posting before the attachment)
If you use something more strict then you also have to
delete all lines before the line that begins with:
'begin 644 ....'
I noticed that Rafal did post his source in plain text
so it is not important anymore, but may be you can
use this trick some other time (e.g. to see his
images in pbi) ;).
espri128 wrote:
> sorry, but can't see the .pov file in netscape-newsreader
> bye
> espri128
> Rafal 'Raf256' Maj schrieb:
>> Image in .images
>> simple media example
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