POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Newbie wondering how to "map" bricks on a cylinder Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:17:35 EST (-0500)
  Newbie wondering how to "map" bricks on a cylinder (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Tristan Israel
Subject: Newbie wondering how to "map" bricks on a cylinder
Date: 6 Oct 2002 16:39:28
Message: <Xns929FE5DB8DB64tristanisraelifrance@>
I "played" with pov long time ago on my Atari falcon but I have not been 
using it for about 6 years...

Yes, you understood... I'm trying to do what Christoph does in his tunnel 
scene. I dnd all the files, but I can't manage to put the bricks randomly 
around the cylinder. Could someone explain it to me ?

Second, I find that the brick is quite dark... do I have to increase the 
ambient parameter ?

Thank you.

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Newbie wondering how to "map" bricks on a cylinder
Date: 12 Oct 2002 09:23:07
Message: <3DA82253.BC87B741@hotmail.com>
Tristan Israel wrote:
> Yes, you understood... I'm trying to do what Christoph does in his tunnel
> scene. I dnd all the files, but I can't manage to put the bricks randomly
> around the cylinder. Could someone explain it to me ?
> Second, I find that the brick is quite dark... do I have to increase the
> ambient parameter ?

If you're going to do a textured brickwork, the easiest way to make it
look random is to use a paint program, so that you can put the bricks where
you want.  Then wrap the image around a cylinder using a cylindrical
projection for the image_map.


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