I spent a lot of time looking on the internet for a decent graphing program
to help me visualize animations with the "clock" value, but recently
realized that I could make a scene file that would do the same thing. It's
a little rough, and it's probably been done before, but here's my offering
to the POV-Ray community. Feel free to change it around to suit your own
Stephen Bell
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Download 'grapher.pov.txt' (3 KB)
"Stephen Bell" <ste### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> I spent a lot of time looking on the internet for a decent graphing
> to help me visualize animations with the "clock" value, but recently
> realized that I could make a scene file that would do the same thing.
> a little rough, and it's probably been done before, but here's my offering
> to the POV-Ray community. Feel free to change it around to suit your own
> needs.
Done before in a way I know for certain because I was just going over a
graphing scene file for POV-Ray v3.5 which Chris Huff had done earlier and
needed a couple changes.
Your is a fun thing to play with though. And I'm not a math wizard, not
even close. I messed around with it some and managed to get a fractal done
using the following (in place of section for plotting):
#declare Y=0; // define to allow use of Y below
#declare X=-ViewSize ;
#while (X < ViewSize)
#declare Y=
// 3*((sin((X*pi*2)/2)+0.5)*cos(X)) // also interesting, but then many
things are.
(cos(Y)*sqrt(abs(X))) // asymmetric fractal (X declared below is needed),
Bob H.
; // semicolon to prevent message stream warnings
box {
pigment {color rgbt <0,1,1,0.5>}
finish {ambient 1}
translate x*X
translate y*Y
#declare X=X+sin(1/DotsPerUnit)/2; // for asymmetric fractal, Bob H.
In the camera statement I changed the 'right' so that it would be typical
aspect ratio of 4/3 by simply adding *(4/3) of course.
The settings for a good look at the fractal were: ViewSize=10 and
DotsPerUnit=500, and you can increase the ViewSize obviously to see how it
continues to fractal outward.
This kind of thing is the only reason I'd call math a good thing, aside for
keeping my bank account in line (ha! forget I said that!).
Bob H.
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