I am having a problem with a heightfield . I painted my heightfield
image in Photoshop with the airbrush tool and saved the file as a
grayscale Targa. It is intended to be a mountain range decending in
height from the left, which will be in the background in my scene.
The problem is when I render it with smoothing on, what appear to be
holes show up in the mountains. If I disable smoothing the holes
disappear. I've spent a fair amount of time trying to figure this out.
I've tried blurring my original image various amounts, using different
resolutions from 500 x 500 to 1200 x 1200 ppi and saving the image as a
png file. I've also moved the camera around and tried rotating the
height field object slightly on the suggestion of others but nothing has
I suspect the problem lies with the image file but I don't know what it
is. Maybe I'm doing something stupid. I've uploaded them in a zip file
if anyone cares to take a look. I also uploaded a couple of jpegs of the
problem to the binaries.images news group.
e-mail: rha### [at] 2540dpi f2s com
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