POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Call pov-render to picturebox Server Time
8 Oct 2024 08:17:52 EDT (-0400)
  Call pov-render to picturebox (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: [GDS|Entropy]
Subject: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 1 Jan 2011 22:03:39
Message: <op.vonur8vk0819q0@gdsentropy.nc.rr.com>

How do you call povray to render in a PictureBox from c# in the way that  
Moray does?

Is this a matter of something like this (Then loading the output image  
into the PictureBox):
Process myProc = new Process();
myProc.StartInfo.Filename = "dir\abc.exe";
myProc.StartInfo.Arguments = "file1, file2, file3";

Or is there any api documentation (or code sample in any language) someone  
can point me to?


Ian McDonald
Lean Agile .NET 4.0/MVC
Senior Application Architect,
Developer and Security Analyst

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 1 Jan 2011 22:10:57
Message: <4d1fecc1$1@news.povray.org>
Am 02.01.2011 04:03, schrieb [GDS|Entropy]:
> Hello,
> How do you call povray to render in a PictureBox from c# in the way that
> Moray does?
> Or is there any api documentation (or code sample in any language)
> someone can point me to?

Yes: The Moray code :-P

There is a plug-in API for POV-Ray, which allows you to plug-in other 
software (like Moray) into POV-Ray. There must be some kind of 
documentation /somewhere/ on the web pages.

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 1 Jan 2011 22:25:01
Message: <web.4d1fefa6390f6d9db33ef0180@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 02.01.2011 04:03, schrieb [GDS|Entropy]:
> > Hello,
> >
> > How do you call povray to render in a PictureBox from c# in the way that
> > Moray does?
> >
> ...
> >
> > Or is there any api documentation (or code sample in any language)
> > someone can point me to?
> Yes: The Moray code :-P
> There is a plug-in API for POV-Ray, which allows you to plug-in other
> software (like Moray) into POV-Ray. There must be some kind of
> documentation /somewhere/ on the web pages.

You may also want to look for 'GUI Extension'.

Stephen S

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From: [GDS|Entropy]
Subject: Re: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 2 Jan 2011 00:38:25
Message: <op.von1x6vw0819q0@gdsentropy.nc.rr.com>
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 22:10:34 -0500, clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> Am 02.01.2011 04:03, schrieb [GDS|Entropy]:
>> Hello,
>> How do you call povray to render in a PictureBox from c# in the way that
>> Moray does?
> ...
>> Or is there any api documentation (or code sample in any language)
>> someone can point me to?
> Yes: The Moray code :-P

Oh...so that is open source now? Well...damn..I had no idea and will have  
to look around for the source repository then..wherever that is..

> There is a plug-in API for POV-Ray, which allows you to plug-in other  
> software (like Moray) into POV-Ray. There must be some kind of  
> documentation /somewhere/ on the web pages.

Ok..I'll look for that then. Is that on the main pov site?
Keep in mind I do not have just all of the time in the world to look this  
stuff up..I am a very busy person..so please forgive me if I ask questions  
that may be answered "easily" if I were to have more of that precious  
resource.. ;)

Ian McDonald
Lean Agile .NET 4.0/MVC
Senior Application Architect,
Developer and Security Analyst

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From: [GDS|Entropy]
Subject: Re: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 2 Jan 2011 00:42:34
Message: <op.von143js0819q0@gdsentropy.nc.rr.com>
On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 22:23:18 -0500, StephenS <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
>> Am 02.01.2011 04:03, schrieb [GDS|Entropy]:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > How do you call povray to render in a PictureBox from c# in the way  
>> that
>> > Moray does?
>> >
>> ...
>> >
>> > Or is there any api documentation (or code sample in any language)
>> > someone can point me to?
>> Yes: The Moray code :-P
>> There is a plug-in API for POV-Ray, which allows you to plug-in other
>> software (like Moray) into POV-Ray. There must be some kind of
>> documentation /somewhere/ on the web pages.
> You may also want to look for 'GUI Extension'.

Very good then..I will look for that in Google too.

Failing my finding anything I can use there, I will just initiate a new  
command-line process and pass the requisite variables, then load the  
output to the picturebox...though that is a horribly kludgey solution. :|

> Stephen S

Ian McDonald
Lean Agile .NET 4.0/MVC
Senior Application Architect,
Developer and Security Analyst

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From: trp
Subject: Re: Call pov-render to picturebox
Date: 2 Jan 2011 10:05:01
Message: <web.4d20938f390f6d9dbba08f230@news.povray.org>
This does seem to come up every so often. There should be a FAQ. (Maybe there
is. I'll look after I post this.) Anyway, here are a couple of earlier



Good luck.

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