Op 16-11-2022 om 12:10 schreef Simon J. Cambridge:
> Hello again. I thought I would share this one, recently created, and see what
> you think. I have been trying to get make simple yet effective media clouds for
> some time - in order to speed up the render - and I feel I am a bit closer with
> this one. It still takes a decent time to render, but less than others I have
> tried in the past. The Vovin (beasts from my books) are modelled in hamapatch
> (as I still haven't shifted to blender - so much to do and so little time!)
> Cheers,
> Simon J. Cambridge
> (See my other stuff on my website - www.landofthefirst.com)
As always, very impressive.
For media clouds, have you experimented with those from Abe Madey?
They are very good, and, in my experience, not too slow to render
although that always is the trade off with media.
That landscape smells of mandelbrot fractals... ;=)
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Op 16-11-2022 om 12:10 schreef Simon J. Cambridge:
> > Hello again. I thought I would share this one, recently created, and see what
> > you think. I have been trying to get make simple yet effective media clouds for
> > some time - in order to speed up the render - and I feel I am a bit closer with
> > this one. It still takes a decent time to render, but less than others I have
> > tried in the past. The Vovin (beasts from my books) are modelled in hamapatch
> > (as I still haven't shifted to blender - so much to do and so little time!)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Simon J. Cambridge
> >
> > (See my other stuff on my website - www.landofthefirst.com)
> As always, very impressive.
> For media clouds, have you experimented with those from Abe Madey?
> They are very good, and, in my experience, not too slow to render
> although that always is the trade off with media.
> That landscape smells of mandelbrot fractals... ;=)
> --
> Thomas
Hi Thomas,
Thank you, and thank you for the link.
The landscape is f_ridged_mf. One of my favourites. I just love the way it
looks. Adding turbulence spoils it, I feel.
The code for the clouds is similar to that used by Abe Madey. However, I wanted
a cumulus look, but across the entire sky.
Here is the code:
#macro SkyShell(minAlt, maxAlt, sc, Int)
plane {<0, 1, 0>, 0 translate <0, 10000000+maxAlt, 0> }
plane {<0, 1, 0>, 0 rotate <0, 180, 0> translate <0, 10000000+minAlt, 0>
texture {pigment {color rgbf 1}}
interior {Int}
translate <0, -10000000, 0>
scale sc
SkyShell(30001, 31001, 1
interior {
media {
scattering {4, color rgb <0.01, 0.01, 0.9>*0.0001 extinction 1}
#if (CloudsOK=1)
SkyShell(20000, 30000, 1
scattering{1, <1, 0.9, 0.8>*0.0001}
samples 100
scale <20000, 10000, 20000>
turbulence 0.3
color_map {
[0.62 color rgb 0]
[0.64 color rgb 0.035]
[0.66 color rgb 0.850]
[0.68 color rgb 1]
form<1, 0, 0>
scale 2000
//turbulence 0.5
color_map {
[0.0 color rgb 1]
[1.0 color rgb 0]
gradient y
scale 10000
color_map {
[0.1 color rgb 0]
[0.4 color rgb 1]
[0.8 color rgb 1]
[0.9 color rgb 0]
As you can see, I am using a high sample count. I might try Mr Madey's approach
and see what happens.
Simon J. Cambridge.
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