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Here is the suspicious Image (see bugreports)
Best regards,
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Image to "strange experience with the perspective camera and very large hei=
Date: 9 Jun 2013 03:18:12
Message: <51b42c34@news.povray.org>
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I read your message and I am almost sure this is an epsilon problem,
same as when Bill Pragnell and me, and others, modelled the Ringworld a
couple of years ago. For the POV version then in use, an unofficial
patch was issued, but the problem appeared again with the 3.7 version
and, as far as I know, has not been corrected. It is a simple matter of
a more accurate epsilon value. Strictly speaking this is not a bug and
you can try to avoid the problem by scaling down the HF and elevate the
camera a bit more until it disappears. Personally I feel that as an
inelegant solution though, and I would much prefer an appropriate
epsilon value.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> I read your message and I am almost sure this is an epsilon problem,
> same as when Bill Pragnell and me, and others, modelled the Ringworld a
> couple of years ago. For the POV version then in use, an unofficial
> patch was issued, but the problem appeared again with the 3.7 version
> and, as far as I know, has not been corrected. It is a simple matter of
> a more accurate epsilon value. Strictly speaking this is not a bug and
> you can try to avoid the problem by scaling down the HF and elevate the
> camera a bit more until it disappears. Personally I feel that as an
> inelegant solution though, and I would much prefer an appropriate
> epsilon value.
> Thomas
Thanks Thomas, that explains the effect. But it means 0.00003 < epsilon. I had
assumed it smaller. The actual value seems to be ok for most scenes. A smaller
value might result in a severe prolongation of the render times. Best would be
an option within the global settings.
Best regards,
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Image to "strange experience with the perspective camera and very large=hei=3D
Date: 9 Jun 2013 07:18:42
Message: <51b46492$1@news.povray.org>
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On 9-6-2013 11:16, MichaelJF wrote:
> Thanks Thomas, that explains the effect. But it means 0.00003 < epsilon. I had
> assumed it smaller. The actual value seems to be ok for most scenes. A smaller
> value might result in a severe prolongation of the render times. Best would be
> an option within the global settings.
For most scenes indeed, there is no problem. A global settings option
would be a good alternative.
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"MichaelJF" <mi-### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> Thanks Thomas, that explains the effect. But it means 0.00003 < epsilon. I had
> assumed it smaller. The actual value seems to be ok for most scenes. A smaller
> value might result in a severe prolongation of the render times. Best would be
> an option within the global settings.
I third this suggestion.
Added Flyspray #297.
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"Cousin Ricky" <rickysttATyahooDOTcom> wrote:
> "MichaelJF" <mi-### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> > Thanks Thomas, that explains the effect. But it means 0.00003 < epsilon. I had
> > assumed it smaller. The actual value seems to be ok for most scenes. A smaller
> > value might result in a severe prolongation of the render times. Best would be
> > an option within the global settings.
> I third this suggestion.
> Added Flyspray #297.
Thank you both, I added it to the wish list at the POV 4 discussion.
Best regards,
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