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As been a POV user and a ray-tracing fan since '93-'94, I decided to start
working on some new scenes and exploration with everything again after a many
years' break. =)
The object I modelled in TopMod3D, and exported the .obj to a POV mesh via Wings
3D. The final scene is made and rendered in POV v3.62.
The scene includes:
- radiosity
- area & ambient light
- focal blur camera
- +a0.3
Original image size is 1024x768, here resized to 800x600.
Total rendering time: 15min 46s with Phenom II x4 925 2.8 GHz + 4GB RAM
This is the 1st time I ever try any visual modellers; I've always preferred the
scene description language way and fiddling around with CSG n stuff. ;) However,
at times some exploring can do good, me thinks, so gave it a try. Also wanted to
examine radiosity, focal blur and lightning settings a bit to add some more
"in-there" feeling to it.
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Preview of image 'loop_spline_final.jpg'

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On 19-7-2011 10:23, Pekka Aho wrote:
> As been a POV user and a ray-tracing fan since '93-'94, I decided to start
> working on some new scenes and exploration with everything again after a many
> years' break. =)
> The object I modelled in TopMod3D, and exported the .obj to a POV mesh via Wings
> 3D. The final scene is made and rendered in POV v3.62.
> The scene includes:
> - radiosity
> - area& ambient light
> - focal blur camera
> - +a0.3
> Original image size is 1024x768, here resized to 800x600.
> Total rendering time: 15min 46s with Phenom II x4 925 2.8 GHz + 4GB RAM
> This is the 1st time I ever try any visual modellers; I've always preferred the
> scene description language way and fiddling around with CSG n stuff. ;) However,
> at times some exploring can do good, me thinks, so gave it a try. Also wanted to
> examine radiosity, focal blur and lightning settings a bit to add some more
> "in-there" feeling to it.
Cool. For conversion, I advise Poseray by the way (
http://mysite.verizon.net/sfg0000/ ).
Personally, I am turning more and more towards modellers and use POV-Ray
mainly for scene building, height_fields, lighting, and such. My use of
CSG is decreasing steadily.
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Yeah, also been having a growing interest in modelling abstract and complex
objects with something else, eg. paradigms, algorithms, fractals etc., and
which to then bring to POV for further work and adjustment to the scenes. I
deffo have to try out Poseray; the name is ofc familiar, but didn't come to mind
when I was seeking for some sensible way for the conversion. Many thanks for the
tip and reminders, cheers! =)
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>Pekka Aho on date 19/07/2011 10:23 wrote:
> As been a POV user and a ray-tracing fan since '93-'94, I decided to start
> working on some new scenes and exploration with everything again after a many
> years' break. =)
> The object I modelled in TopMod3D, and exported the .obj to a POV mesh via Wings
> 3D. The final scene is made and rendered in POV v3.62.
> The scene includes:
> - radiosity
> - area& ambient light
> - focal blur camera
> - +a0.3
> Original image size is 1024x768, here resized to 800x600.
> Total rendering time: 15min 46s with Phenom II x4 925 2.8 GHz + 4GB RAM
> This is the 1st time I ever try any visual modellers; I've always preferred the
> scene description language way and fiddling around with CSG n stuff. ;) However,
> at times some exploring can do good, me thinks, so gave it a try. Also wanted to
> examine radiosity, focal blur and lightning settings a bit to add some more
> "in-there" feeling to it.
The object is very interesting!
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"Pekka Aho" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> As been a POV user and a ray-tracing fan since '93-'94, I decided to start
> working on some new scenes and exploration with everything again after a many
> years' break. =)
> The object I modelled in TopMod3D, and exported the .obj to a POV mesh via Wings
> 3D. The final scene is made and rendered in POV v3.62.
> The scene includes:
> - radiosity
> - area & ambient light
> - focal blur camera
> - +a0.3
> Original image size is 1024x768, here resized to 800x600.
> Total rendering time: 15min 46s with Phenom II x4 925 2.8 GHz + 4GB RAM
> This is the 1st time I ever try any visual modellers; I've always preferred the
> scene description language way and fiddling around with CSG n stuff. ;) However,
> at times some exploring can do good, me thinks, so gave it a try. Also wanted to
> examine radiosity, focal blur and lightning settings a bit to add some more
> "in-there" feeling to it.
Thanks much for sharing this image. I, too, found it interesting. I happen to
be a dedicated CGS/SDL lover who uses POV-Ray in a rather idiosyncratic manner.
I mostly have fun seeing what I can build out of numbers rather wanting create
the most realistic images possible using the most efficient tools available.
Still, I probably need do more experimenting with modelers so that I can expand
the context in which I create my little CSG toys. I thank you for the
background that you provided with regard to the creation of your image, which
gave me both useful information and a needed nudge to do some more
If anyone reading this were to suggest any free/cheap modelers that make it
relatively easy to create and modify objects with numerical inputs rather than
having to grab, push, pull and drag things, I would be most grateful.
Best Regards,
Mike C.
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On 20-7-2011 14:56, Mike the Elder wrote:
> If anyone reading this were to suggest any free/cheap modelers that make it
> relatively easy to create and modify objects with numerical inputs rather than
> having to grab, push, pull and drag things, I would be most grateful.
I am probably biased :-) and for what it is worth:
With Silo http://nevercenter.com/silo/ (which is cheap) you can control
most modifications with numerical input, in addition to the usual
push-and-pull work. I guess that about 70% of my Silo activity is done
that way.
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On 07/20/2011 09:56 AM, Mike the Elder wrote:
> If anyone reading this were to suggest any free/cheap modelers that make it
> relatively easy to create and modify objects with numerical inputs rather than
> having to grab, push, pull and drag things, I would be most grateful.
I also prefer modifying objects via numeric input, but as an aside I've
been trying to get a feel for the grab, push, etc approach ... which
leads me to mention that Scupltris is coming along nicely (@ alpha6) ...
it can export to obj format so poseray can be used to export to povray
mesh2. BTW: Sculptris seems to run oh-key-doe-key on linux via wine.
Give it a try!
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Thomas de Groot <tenDOTlnDOTretniATtoorgedDOTt> wrote:
> I am probably biased :-) and for what it is worth:
> With Silo http://nevercenter.com/silo/ (which is cheap) you can control
> most modifications with numerical input, in addition to the usual
> push-and-pull work. I guess that about 70% of my Silo activity is done
> that way.
> Thomas
Thanks, Silo may be just what I'm looking for. Pre-recession, 160 bucks was
"cheap software", now it's just "reasonable". Although, to be fair, it does look
like Silo offers quite a bit of functionality for that price. Additionally, I
looks like this will be my project for this weekend.
And to Jim H. ...
Thanks for the heads up on Sculptris. It looks like a pretty decent piece of
but the fact that they heavily recommend a Wacom tablet or equivalent indicates
Best Regards,
Mike C.
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On 20-7-2011 18:04, Mike the Elder wrote:
> Thanks, Silo may be just what I'm looking for. Pre-recession, 160 bucks was
> "cheap software", now it's just "reasonable". Although, to be fair, it does look
> like Silo offers quite a bit of functionality for that price. Additionally, I
> looks like this will be my project for this weekend.
You won't regret it. One particular feature I like is the uv mapping
ability which works very well, and better than what I know from Wings3D.
One can argue about the price of course, but compared to the high-end
mastodons it is cheap and it does a really decent job if not more.
My only concern is its evolution in the future. The makers have been
extremely passive over the last two years, although they claim to
continue development. However, Silo is already a full-grown product
nevertheless imho.
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