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Got this many years ago as a CRT from...
Man### [at] munich netsurf de (1998) 17 inch Syncmaster
[Always credit the original :)]
and made a flat screen....
I wonder if anyone can help with the shadow on the screen :)
#declare flatscreen = version
#version 1.0
#declare Green_led = texture {
pigment { color rgbf<0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 6.0> }
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.1
refraction 1
ior 1.5
phong 0.1
phong_size 20
#declare computerBlack = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.19647,0.19098,0.17529>}
normal { bumps 0.1 scale 0.1 }
finish { phong 0.5 }
// Monitor: HANNS-G HB191D
// Creator : Colin B Maharaj
cylinder{<0, 0,0>,<0,25,0>,145} // Base plate
box{<-45,10,50>,<-25,125,-50>} // Vertical suspension bar
box{<-65,80,100>,<-40,100,-100>} // Front Panel Menu
box{<-200, 95, -360>,<-230,420, 150>} // Monitor display area
box{<-235,105, -350>,<-220,410, 140>} // cut out area #1
box{<-235,100, -355>,<-229,415, 145>} // cut out area #2
translate <160,0,100>
box{<-70,90,-82>,<-40,80,-88>} // Front panel LED...
texture{Green_led} // ...coloured green
box {<-221,100,-355>,<-220,415,145>}
image_map {bmp "desktop.bmp"} //1440x900
rotate <0,90,0>
scale <1,310,490>
translate <0,100,140>
ambient 0.3
translate <160,0,100>
#include "colors.inc"
include "metals.inc"
#include "monitor2.inc"
object{TYPICALFLATSCREEN translate <260, 70, -10> rotate <0,30,0> }
location <-3000,600,10>
look_at <20,330,100>
angle 20
plane{<0,1,0>,0// texture{color rgb<0.1, 0.21 0.5>}
checker color rgb<0.05, 0.16, 0.4> , rgb<0.10, 0.32 0.8>
scale <300,300,300>
color rgb <1.1, 1, 1>
area_light <250, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 250>, 5, 5
adaptive 1
{ <-2500,2500,500>
color rgb <1, 1.1, 1>
area_light <250, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 250>, 5, 5
adaptive 1
< 1000,2000,500>
color rgb <1, 1, 1.1>
area_light <250, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 250>, 5, 5
adaptive 1
< -3000,600,10>
color rgb <1, 1, 1.1>
area_light <250, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 250>, 5, 5
adaptive 1
//// -- end -----flat_screen.pov------------
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> texture { pigment { image_map {bmp "desktop.bmp"} //1440x900
> rotate<0,90,0> scale<1,310,490> translate<0,100,140> } ambient 0.3 }
Change the "ambient 0.3" by "ambient 1", or better by "finish{ambient
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote:
> > texture { pigment { image_map {bmp "desktop.bmp"} //1440x900
> > rotate<0,90,0> scale<1,310,490> translate<0,100,140> } ambient 0.3 }
> Change the "ambient 0.3" by "ambient 1", or better by "finish{ambient
> 1}".
> Regards,
> --
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
> http://www.ignorancia.org
If you are using 3.7, this type of usage for ambient is better used with the new
'emission' keyword.
You may also want to add a value other than the default for 'diffuse' to help
control shadows as well.
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> Got this many years ago as a CRT from...
> Man### [at] munich netsurf de (1998) 17 inch Syncmaster
> [Always credit the original :)]
> and made a flat screen....
> I wonder if anyone can help with the shadow on the screen :)
> //------------------monitor2.inc------------
> #declare flatscreen = version
> #version 1.0
> #declare Green_led = texture {
> pigment { color rgbf<0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 6.0> }
> finish {
> ambient 0
> diffuse 0.1
> reflection 0.1
> refraction 1
> ior 1.5
> phong 0.1
> phong_size 20
> }
> }
> #declare computerBlack = texture {
> pigment {color rgb<0.19647,0.19098,0.17529>}
> normal { bumps 0.1 scale 0.1 }
> finish { phong 0.5 }
> }
> //############################################################################
> // Monitor: HANNS-G HB191D
> // Creator : Colin B Maharaj
> //############################################################################
> union
> {
> union
> {
> cylinder{<0, 0,0>,<0,25,0>,145} // Base plate
> box{<-45,10,50>,<-25,125,-50>} // Vertical suspension bar
> box{<-65,80,100>,<-40,100,-100>} // Front Panel Menu
> difference
> {
> box{<-200, 95, -360>,<-230,420, 150>} // Monitor display area
> box{<-235,105, -350>,<-220,410, 140>} // cut out area #1
> box{<-235,100, -355>,<-229,415, 145>} // cut out area #2
> translate<160,0,100>
> }
> texture{computerBlack}
> }
> union
> {
> box{<-70,90,-82>,<-40,80,-88>} // Front panel LED...
> texture{Green_led} // ...coloured green
> }
> union
> {
> box {<-221,100,-355>,<-220,415,145>}
> texture
> {
> pigment
> {
> image_map {bmp "desktop.bmp"} //1440x900
> rotate<0,90,0>
> scale<1,310,490>
> translate<0,100,140>
> }
> ambient 0.3
> }
> translate<160,0,100>
> }
> }
> //---end---------------monitor2.inc------------
Why do you use #version 1.0 ?
You would be much beter to use current syntax.
Remove that "refraction 1" and move the ior to it's proper place: the
interior block.
filter 6 is prety strange...
in a pigment block, you don't need to use "color"
You can have this:
#declare Green_led = material{
texture{ pigment{rgbf<0.5, 0.9, 0.5, 1>}
finish{ambient 0 diffuse 0.1 reflection{0.1 0.5 fresnel}conserve_energy
phong 0.1 phong_size 20}
interior{ior 1.5 fade_color <0.1, 1, 0.1> fade_distance 0.1 fade_power
Then, you can use emission 0.3 for the image on the screen.
It will continue to work if you use radiosity.
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