Once again I find myself compulsively rendering random procedural media cloud
scenes, hoping to get lucky and find some sweet spots hidden in in the Perlin
In a few years we'll actually be able to quickly render this kind of thing with
really high quality. For now, here's one that's got potential (low
resolution/sampling rate).
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"Stephen Klebs" <skl### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Nice. Subtle. Did it take long to render? Do the clouds have volume or do they
> evaporate when you fly through? I've been looking for some fast-rendering clouds
> for an animation, but all the nice ones either take two days per frame or
> disappear with the slightest change of view.
Thanks, I'd never thought about a flythrough, I'm going to have to try that :)
It took about five hours for the above render, so it's still pretty slow,
especially for an animation. Using interpolated df3s instead of the raw
functions would likely speed rendering times a bit. I'm having a go at that now.
But yes, they're fully volumetric, composed of several transformed density
functions (one per container, similarly transformed) that I merge into a single
compound density function for the compound cloud container (merge or blob).
Here's an example of a compound cloud container and corresponding compound
media. The bottom shot was rendered a few days after the top shot, so some of
the camera and sky settings changed a bit between the two. The top uses transmit
0 and the bottom uses transmit 1, revealing the media within.
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