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From: s day
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 3 Jun 2006 06:00:01
Message: <web.44815caef493f46f92d693230@news.povray.org>
Wow... Excellent modelling, I am very jealous, I still have not managed to
get to grips with Wings and modelling things like this are too much of a
challenge for CSG. Currently I am trying out blender to see if that is any
easier does anyone have an opinion as to which modeller is better?

The models look faultless to me, if it wasn't for the numerous shots I would
have thought you went and bought a bulk load of micras to setup some


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From: scott
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 3 Jun 2006 09:53:41
Message: <44819465$1@news.povray.org>
> Wow... Excellent modelling, I am very jealous, I still have not
> managed to get to grips with Wings and modelling things like this
> are too much of a challenge for CSG. Currently I am trying out
> blender to see if that is any easier does anyone have an opinion as
> to which modeller is better?

I'm also trying both out, currently I prefer Blender but I find two things 
annoying.  Firstly the way you rotate the 3D view with the mouse is weird, 
nothing like Wings, 3DS Max or Pro Engineer etc, I can never get the view 
orientated the way I want very easily.  At the moment I waste lots of time 
just trying to look at the right part!  The other thing is you cannot apply 
a bevel to one edge at a time, you have to do the whole mesh.  I find 
Blender generally easier for mesh work though, it's much easier to combine 
vertices, extrude edges, make/delete faces etc.  Wings seems to have weird 
rules about what you can and can't do.

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 3 Jun 2006 11:52:04
Message: <4481b024$1@news.povray.org>
scott wrote:
>>Wow... Excellent modelling, I am very jealous, I still have not
>>managed to get to grips with Wings and modelling things like this
>>are too much of a challenge for CSG. Currently I am trying out
>>blender to see if that is any easier does anyone have an opinion as
>>to which modeller is better?
> I'm also trying both out, currently I prefer Blender but I find two things 
> annoying.  Firstly the way you rotate the 3D view with the mouse is weird, 
> nothing like Wings, 3DS Max or Pro Engineer etc, I can never get the view 
> orientated the way I want very easily.  At the moment I waste lots of time 
> just trying to look at the right part!  The other thing is you cannot apply 
> a bevel to one edge at a time, you have to do the whole mesh.  I find 
> Blender generally easier for mesh work though, it's much easier to combine 
> vertices, extrude edges, make/delete faces etc.  Wings seems to have weird 
> rules about what you can and can't do.
A significant characteristic of Wings, and from where it derives its 
name, is the way in which it stores its data.  The result is that Wings 
cannot produce or store independent triangles, only closed shapes where 
every edge has an adjoining edge.  This produces behavior that appears 
weird when certain tools are used which need to retain open edges 
temporarily, or when externally produced models are imported that have 
existing open edges.  This also imposes restrictions when modelling that 
are satisfying to certain purists of mesh geometry but frustrating to 
others. Those who prefer poly-by-poly modelling are out of luck with 
Wings.  Also it is a bad "utility" tool for importing and working on 
externally produced and stored meshes (like from Poser.)  What it is is 
an extremely light and well thought out tool for so called "box 
modelling." This technique produces a model by first starting out with a 
simple closed volume such as a cube, then extruding and subdividing it 
so that the result is always as closed shape with no open edges. This 
method is particularly well suited to "organic" forms in my opinion. 
With a certain degree of inventiveness, imagination, and ingenuity, it 
can also produce these stunning engineering models as Rene, Jaime, and 
Gilles have proven. But we should not underestimate what they have 
accomplished here.  Other modellers have more extensive tool sets 
oriented to producing this type of model.

The problem to me with this kind of thread is that the assumption that 
there is one champion modeller that everyone can point to is simply not 
  true.  Individual artists have idiosyncratic preferences and 
prejudices.  The good news is that there are a nice selection of free or 
cheap modellers available with differing blends of tool sets and 
differing interfaces and design priorities such that any given artist 
should find one that matches close enough to their preferences.

I think Blender provides a great modeller and has some very interesting 
features.  The interface is not completely to my taste however, and 
creatively I am still not at the point where I need use some of the 
things it can do that Wings can't.  So I enjoy Wings. I love the roomy 
viewing area and the context sensitive menus. I enjoy the challenge of 
improvising from a relatively light toolbox over the challenge of 
choosing precisely the correct tool from an extensive toolbox.

Another popular modeller that seems to extend the good things in Wings, 
adds some further useful tools, and is not so purist about edges, is Silo.

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From: scott
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 3 Jun 2006 14:02:42
Message: <4481cec2$1@news.povray.org>
>> I'm also trying both out, currently I prefer Blender but I find
>> two things annoying.  Firstly the way you rotate the 3D view with
>> the mouse is weird, nothing like Wings, 3DS Max or Pro Engineer
>> etc, I can never get the view orientated the way I want very
>> easily.  At the moment I waste lots of time just trying to look at
>> the right part!  The other thing is you cannot apply a bevel to
>> one edge at a time, you have to do the whole mesh.  I find Blender
>> generally easier for mesh work though, it's much easier to combine
>> vertices, extrude edges, make/delete faces etc.  Wings seems to
>> have weird rules about what you can and can't do.
> A significant characteristic of Wings, and from where it derives its
> name, is the way in which it stores its data.  The result is that
> Wings cannot produce or store independent triangles, only closed
> shapes where every edge has an adjoining edge.  This produces
> behavior that appears weird when certain tools are used which need
> to retain open edges temporarily, or when externally produced
> models are imported that have existing open edges.  This also
> imposes restrictions when modelling that are satisfying to certain
> purists of mesh geometry but frustrating to others. Those who
> prefer poly-by-poly modelling are out of luck with Wings.

That explains it then.  Although I do find Wings gets it's knickers in a 
twist sometimes when working with the virtual mirror.  I have certainly 
ended up with a hole in my mesh several times where I can see the inside.  I 
have yet to find a way to close it apart from deleting that bit and starting 

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From: Dan Byers
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 3 Jun 2006 15:40:01
Message: <web.4481e585f493f46fc4e4c1980@news.povray.org>
Hmm.  Very nice, but the fact that everything is so _clean_ tells me it's a
fake :)  Need to have some dirt or dust or bird crap or _something_ on
those cars!

Nicely done :)


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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 4 Jun 2006 03:57:33
Message: <4482926d@news.povray.org>

This has inspired me to get to know Wings3d better.

How did you do the tires? Is the tread modelled or textured?

Do you plan on doing a car moddeling tutoriel for wings some time?

-Nekar Xenos-
"The truth is out there..."

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From: Rene Bui
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 4 Jun 2006 18:55:00
Message: <web.44836434f493f46f534415d80@news.povray.org>
>absolutely stunning!  Is the street rendered too or is it a composite?
rendered but the background is the famous HDRI uffizi_probe by Paul Debevec

>The models look faultless to me, if it wasn't for the numerous shots I would
>have thought you went and bought a bulk load of micras to setup some

>The interface is not completely to my taste however
Not for me too

>Another popular modeller that seems to extend the good things in Wings,
>adds some further useful tools, and is not so purist about edges, is Silo.
In Silo, there is a new and astonishing feature called Displacement painting
(similar to Zbrush tool) I would like to see in Wings someday.

Nekar Xenos:
>.How did you do the tires? Is the tread modelled or textured?

>Do you plan on doing a car moddeling tutoriel for wings some time?
No, I don't, unfortunately not enough time for that.

thanx again

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 4 Jun 2006 23:06:30
Message: <44839fb6@news.povray.org>
I thought the same! My idea was, actually, one bird crap on one car...


"Dan Byers" <nomail@nomail> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> Hmm.  Very nice, but the fact that everything is so _clean_ tells me it's 
> a
> fake :)  Need to have some dirt or dust or bird crap or _something_ on
> those cars!
> Nicely done :)
> --
> Dan
> GoofyGraffix.com

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From: Srimal
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 11 Jul 2011 04:50:01
Message: <web.4e1ab861f493f46f32a2671d0@news.povray.org>
Hi Rene

Beautiful images.

I am very new to povray.

I need to generate simillar images using OBJ car models (I also have them in
blender and export them to a few other formats if that helps - I didn't see an
option to export to povray in blender though)

How can I load them in a povray script?

Can you please tell me how you imported the car models and in what format.

If you don't have any copyright issues could you please share your povray script
used to generate these image please?

Thanks in advance


"Rene Bui" <ren### [at] freefr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Modeled with Wings for a next scene project.
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra3_08.jpg
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_19.jpg
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_21.jpg
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_22.jpg
> Some wires:
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/wip2_en.html
> For those who are really interested, here is a pov file (very fat):
> http://rene.bui.free.fr/free_en.html
> bye

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Car study
Date: 11 Jul 2011 16:18:45
Message: <4e1b5aa5$1@news.povray.org>

> Hi Rene
> Beautiful images.
> I am very new to povray.
> I need to generate simillar images using OBJ car models (I also have them in
> blender and export them to a few other formats if that helps - I didn't see an
> option to export to povray in blender though)
> How can I load them in a povray script?
> Can you please tell me how you imported the car models and in what format.
> If you don't have any copyright issues could you please share your povray script
> used to generate these image please?
> Thanks in advance
> Srimal.
> "Rene Bui"<ren### [at] freefr>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Modeled with Wings for a next scene project.
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra3_08.jpg
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_19.jpg
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_21.jpg
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/rb/digi/gal17/micra_22.jpg
>> Some wires:
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/wip2_en.html
>> For those who are really interested, here is a pov file (very fat):
>> http://rene.bui.free.fr/free_en.html
>> bye

Take a look at poseray. It can convert many formats.

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