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The recent discussion about Arnold in the renderman newsgroup got me
interested in trying the specific hemispherical light effect in POV.
Apparently Arnold uses a kind of spherical area light to achieve the
effect, which should be possible to add to POV I would think. Anyway, I
tried doing it with just a sky_sphere - It only took 10 minutes to
render but the shadows still look stinky. this scene has no lights,
radiosity settings as follows:
global_settings {
ini_option "+QR"
//radiosity{recursion_limit 5 brightness 1.2 normal on}
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.16
pretrace_end 0.02 //0.08
count 600
nearest_count 4
error_bound .3
recursion_limit 1
low_error_factor 1
gray_threshold 0.5
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1.5
normal on
max_sample 1
adc_bailout 0.01/1 // CHANGE - use adc_bailout = 0.01 /
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That is pretty close. Keep it up. :)
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MikeH wrote:
> The recent discussion about Arnold in the renderman newsgroup got me
> interested in trying the specific hemispherical light effect in POV.
> Apparently Arnold uses a kind of spherical area light to achieve the
> effect, which should be possible to add to POV I would think. Anyway, I
> tried doing it with just a sky_sphere - It only took 10 minutes to
> render but the shadows still look stinky. this scene has no lights,
> radiosity settings as follows:
Lower your pretrace_end to at least .01; this won't completely smooth
the shadows, but it helps. You can go even lower if you want, but values
smaller than .01 don't seem to have a significant effect on either
quality or render time as far as I can tell.
Aside from that, looks good!
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Spherical lights? A kind that wraps around things on all sides? That would
be a great addition, I'm thinking of light sources pointing only inward from
a shell at any given distance. Sounds like a neat idea anyhow.
I knew that rabbit looked familiar and now that it seems to be made of
concrete I know why. I have one outside that my mother gave me to go along
with my rock-garden of a yard. All it would need is to hunch down instead
of looking like he's playing airplane doing a takeoff :-)
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> Lower your pretrace_end to at least .01; this won't completely smooth
> the shadows, but it helps. You can go even lower if you want, but values
> smaller than .01 don't seem to have a significant effect on either
> quality or render time as far as I can tell.
.01 seems to be the sweet spot along with an error_bound of .3. I think it
looks similiar to the arnold renders now, minus the highlights because there
are no lights in there scene. Now I'm going to try rendering a 120 frame
animation of it. This should be fun... :)
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> All it would need is to hunch down instead
> of looking like he's playing airplane doing a takeoff :-)
I believe I can flyI believe I can touch the sky
Think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and....can't believe I typed that.
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He looks cool.
Steve email mailto:ste### [at] zeropps uklinux net
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Very subtle, looks great.
Always nice to see a pov/renderman diff.
No one can 'win'.
Oh, my pizza is ready,
gotta run,
Peter Warren
Proud Povray user since 1996.
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