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From: Lt  Kettch
Subject: Probe(13k)
Date: 19 Feb 2000 04:53:15
Message: <38AE6834.BA3D3DDC@aol.com>
Quick and dirty render of the Probe from Star Trek IV.

Lt. Kettch, Rebel Starfighter Command Intelligence

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From: David Fontaine
Subject: Re: Probe(13k)
Date: 19 Feb 2000 15:18:59
Message: <38AEFA38.5C6A14E4@faricy.net>
As I don't have a clue what it's supposed to look like, great job! The most
realistic Star Trek IV probe I've ever seen. Thank you for using a valid
filename. Firts post today I could read.

___     ______________________________________________________
 | \     |_                 <dav### [at] faricynet> <ICQ 55354965>
 |_/avid |ontaine               http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/

"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come" -Beatles

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From: Thomas Lake
Subject: Re: Probe(13k)
Date: 19 Feb 2000 23:31:24
Message: <38AEC629.5F0DF702@home.com>
Being a bit sarcastic aren't you? I agree there isn't much to the image but
maybe he is new.

David Fontaine wrote:

> As I don't have a clue what it's supposed to look like, great job! The most
> realistic Star Trek IV probe I've ever seen. Thank you for using a valid
> filename. Firts post today I could read.
> --
> ___     ______________________________________________________
>  | \     |_                 <dav### [at] faricynet> <ICQ 55354965>
>  |_/avid |ontaine               http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
> "Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come" -Beatles

Come visit my web site:-) : http://www.geocities.com/~thomaslake/

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From: Lt  Kettch
Subject: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 14:46:06
Message: <38B04400.AED3EEA8@aol.com>
Yes, I am new, but that won't stop me! An Ewok Can do ANYTHING!!! (from
family) "Pssst. I think your to caught up in the role..." Anyway, I don't have
many full-veiw shots of the Probe, so I have to make do. And what Media do for
the... Right, um, here is a new Pic.

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From: David Fontaine
Subject: Re: Probe(13k)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 14:58:19
Message: <38B046DC.1B9AF9F3@faricy.net>
Thomas Lake wrote:

> Being a bit sarcastic aren't you? I agree there isn't much to the image but
> maybe he is new.

I didn't say that! Really, I don't know what it looks like in the movie, so AFAIK
it is a perfect job.

___     ______________________________________________________
 | \     |_                 <dav### [at] faricynet> <ICQ 55354965>
 |_/avid |ontaine               http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/

"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come" -Beatles

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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 19:05:17
Message: <38b0813d@news.povray.org>
Seems a good rendition.  I was remembering it as all black&white though.  Glad
to see the extended microphone (whatever the heck it is) has a solid rod there
now, but now if the glow were less solid?
Maybe a more wet appearance than it is might help though, at least I recall it
as looking as though it were continually just out of the shower or something
Space probes take showers? meteor showers maybe.  Ha ha.  Comet showers more
Okay, don't push, I'm leaving.  But that Ewok statement is to blame.


"Lt. Kettch" <AKK### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
|     Yes, I am new, but that won't stop me! An Ewok Can do ANYTHING!!! (from
| family) "Pssst. I think your to caught up in the role..." Anyway, I don't have
| many full-veiw shots of the Probe, so I have to make do. And what Media do for
| the... Right, um, here is a new Pic.


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From: Lt  Kettch
Subject: Re: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 19:28:59
Message: <38B086FA.81B00AFF@aol.com>
OK, how does one go about making a Probe look wet? And it IS B&W. Well, not the
mike, thats SlateBlue. Same with the outer beam and inner beam. Less solid glow...
let me work on that... but remember, I'm still new.


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From: Lt  Kettch
Subject: Re: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 22:36:08
Message: <38B0B2C1.88C89BE@aol.com>
Bob Hughes wrote:

> Maybe a more wet appearance than it is might help though, at least I recall it
> as looking as though it were continually just out of the shower or something
> Space probes take showers? meteor showers maybe.  Ha ha.  Comet showers more
> like.

I know, they take showers, using Comet for shampoo! Right? Right?

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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 21 Feb 2000 00:14:23
Message: <38b0c9af@news.povray.org>
The more and tighter the specularity the wetter I'd say.  That and reflection
but I don't think a lot of reflection would be so good for this.  If what you
have as a texture on it now is only (or mostly) pigment color variation then
you'd want to use 'normal {granite 0.1 scale 0.1}' (small scale to object size
anyway) in that texture for the specular highlighting to have better effect than
it would without.

You could make the "mic" fade at the edges by using 'brilliance' or something
except then you'd need to illuminate it correctly.  I managed to make a similar
thing here so have a look if you will.

camera {
        location -3*z
        angle 30
        look_at 0

union {
        light_source {y,1}
cone {-.5*y,.25,.5*y,.25 open
 pigment {rgbft <0,.5,1,0,1>}
  // normal {granite .1 scale .01}
   finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 specular 3 roughness .2 metallic 1 brilliance 2}
 rotate <30,-30,0>

This of course will change drastically for various different numbers in the
finish and changes in camera position.


"Lt. Kettch" <AKK### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
| OK, how does one go about making a Probe look wet? And it IS B&W. Well, not
| mike, thats SlateBlue. Same with the outer beam and inner beam. Less solid
| let me work on that... but remember, I'm still new.
| Yub-Yub

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From: Lt  Kettch
Subject: Re: New Pic (9.36k)
Date: 21 Feb 2000 01:16:46
Message: <38B0D835.3B06E02A@aol.com>
Ok, thanks, but I can't get the little extra bit of blue out of beam...

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