POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Probe(13k) : Re: New Pic (9.36k) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:33:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: New Pic (9.36k)  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 21 Feb 2000 00:14:23
Message: <38b0c9af@news.povray.org>
The more and tighter the specularity the wetter I'd say.  That and reflection
but I don't think a lot of reflection would be so good for this.  If what you
have as a texture on it now is only (or mostly) pigment color variation then
you'd want to use 'normal {granite 0.1 scale 0.1}' (small scale to object size
anyway) in that texture for the specular highlighting to have better effect than
it would without.

You could make the "mic" fade at the edges by using 'brilliance' or something
except then you'd need to illuminate it correctly.  I managed to make a similar
thing here so have a look if you will.

camera {
        location -3*z
        angle 30
        look_at 0

union {
        light_source {y,1}
cone {-.5*y,.25,.5*y,.25 open
 pigment {rgbft <0,.5,1,0,1>}
  // normal {granite .1 scale .01}
   finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 specular 3 roughness .2 metallic 1 brilliance 2}
 rotate <30,-30,0>

This of course will change drastically for various different numbers in the
finish and changes in camera position.


"Lt. Kettch" <AKK### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
| OK, how does one go about making a Probe look wet? And it IS B&W. Well, not
| mike, thats SlateBlue. Same with the outer beam and inner beam. Less solid
| let me work on that... but remember, I'm still new.
| Yub-Yub

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