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  testtubes (Message 1 to 9 of 9)  
From: Paul Daniel Jones
Subject: testtubes
Date: 13 Feb 2000 14:11:21
Message: <38A700AD.AB1D5518@psu.edu>
being a chemist is fun...

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: testtubes
Date: 13 Feb 2000 15:50:51
Message: <38A71B58.F4187FCA@erols.com>
Paul Daniel Jones wrote:

These are okay, except that they look a bit too metallic.  I was working
with some of these for my next IRTC entry, but the glass (and the area
lights) pushed the rendering times beyond what I can use for the IRTC.

ICQ: 46085459

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From: Steve
Subject: Re: testtubes
Date: 13 Feb 2000 20:38:06
Message: <slrn8aelo8.cpn.sjlen@zero-pps.localdomain>
In testtube type images the colours of the liquid
always seems wrong for some reason.

Dispite the colour of the liquid it's a good 
looking image, but could do with some stains 
on the testtube holder, and maybe have one of the
tubes out of the holder so that we can see the 
curved part of the stand where the testtube sits.

A gas tap in the background might be good too.

Keep us posted with your progress. 

Steve              email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirectcouk

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From: John C Hanley Jr
Subject: Re: testtubes
Date: 13 Feb 2000 22:20:30
Message: <38a7747e@news.povray.org>
Very nice for your first attempt at the test tube idea.  But they do look a
bit metallic.  Also, the wood grain on the spindles is going the wrong
direction--those things would break way too easily.

See ya later.


Paul Daniel Jones <pdj### [at] psuedu> wrote in message
> being a chemist is fun...


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From: Mark Donovan
Subject: Re: testtubes
Date: 14 Feb 2000 00:00:33
Message: <38A78BF5.E6488FA3@email.com>
I like this. As others have mentioned, the liquids look almost like
colored mercury - somehow "off." I think it's caused by the strong
reflection of the glass which should be more transparent.

John C Hanley Jr <jch### [at] psuedu> wrote:
> Also, the wood grain on the spindles is going the wrong
> direction--those things would break way too easily.

Good catch! I have other two comments for you.

Small features can add a lot to the appearance of reality. For example,
the wood has very sharp edges which are especially noticeable at the
corners. You might want to try rounded boxes instead.

Even more subtle, the test tubes are too perfectly vertical. Each one
would be slightly off vertical as it leans against a side of the hole in
the upper section of the holder. A change to this leads to a more
troublesome problem, keeping the liquid surface level.


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From: Paul Daniel Jones
Subject: Still can't get it...
Date: 14 Feb 2000 07:15:59
Message: <38A7F030.687658EE@psu.edu>
Ok, Help..... I worked till the wee hours and the liquid still does not work
yet (one thing at a time.... :-), anyone see something wrong with the code?

#declare tube_rack=
        box {   <-8,-0,-3>
        box {   <-8,7,-3>
        cylinder {      <-7,0,2>
                        <-7,9,2> .4}
        cylinder {      <7,0,2>
                        <7,9,2> .4}
        cylinder {      <-7,0,-2>
                        <-7,9,-2> .4}
        cylinder {      <7,0,-2>
                        <7,9,-2> .4}  }
       #declare counter =0;
      #while (counter <5)
        sphere { <-6+(3*counter) ,1,0>   1.1}

        cylinder {      <-6+(3*counter),1,0>
                        <-6+(3*counter),15,0> 1.1  }
        #declare counter= counter+1
#declare liquid_color= rgbf <1,.6,.6,.9>

//declare the final filled rack

#declare filled_rack=
object {tube_rack texture{DMFWood6 rotate 25*y scale 6}
        finish {reflection 0.0 ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.2 phong 0.2 phong_size
        normal {dents 0.2
                scale 0.2}}
#declare counter = 0;

#while (counter<5)
        object {test_tube
        #if (test=1)
                        texture{pigment{rgbt <0.8,0.8,0.8,0.6>} finish{phong
                       texture {
                        pigment { color rgbt <1,1,1, .98> }
                        finish {
                                 specular 1
                                 roughness 0.001
                                 ambient .2

                                 diffuse 0.2
                                 reflection 0.1
                                 phong 0.9
                                 phong_size 100}}
                      interior{ior 2 fade_distance 2 fade_power 2 caustics 4}

                  translate <-6+(3*counter) ,0,0>}

        object {liquid
                                 #if (test=1)
                                pigment{color 1.9*liquid_color }
                                finish{reflection 0.4 ambient .8 diffuse .5
phong 1 phong_size 200}}
                                interior{ior 1.33 caustics 4}

                                translate <-6+(3*counter) ,0,0>}

#declare counter = counter+1 ;


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From: DirkBoy
Subject: Re: testtubes
Date: 14 Feb 2000 10:48:56
Message: <38a823e8@news.povray.org>
Consider changing the liquid levels? It'll give it a more human look. Like
one a little more full than another, or one of them half empty...you know.


"Paul Daniel Jones" <pdj### [at] psuedu> wrote in message
> being a chemist is fun...


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From: Chris Huff
Subject: Re: Still can't get it...
Date: 14 Feb 2000 19:08:36
Message: <chrishuff_99-52AADF.19094514022000@news.povray.org>
In article <38A7F030.687658EE@psu.edu>, Paul Daniel Jones 
<pdj### [at] psuedu> wrote:

> Ok, Help..... I worked till the wee hours and the liquid still does 
> not work yet (one thing at a time.... :-), anyone see something wrong 
> with the code?

Well, the first thing I noticed is that you have:

#declare liquid_color= rgbf <1,.6,.6,.9>

And later you use

pigment{color 1.9*liquid_color }

in your liquid texture. This is the same as using "color rgbf < 1.9, 
1.14, 1.14, 1.71>". This causes a problem, because although values 
larger than 1 are allowed and work as expected, they are not physically 
accurate. You can see that the shadows are more brightly lit than their 
surroundings due to the light being strengthened by the texture.
Stick to values < 1, and you might want to use fade_color from MegaPOV 
instead of a colored texture.

Another thing is you have "reflection 0.4 ambient .8 diffuse .5 phong 1 
phong_size 200" for your liquid texture. I usually keep reflection + 
ambient + diffuse <= 1 for good results(closer to physically accurate), 
and I often eliminate ambient completely(especially when radiosity is 
used). I would also use much less reflection, around 0.05-0.15: 
"reflection 0.15 ambient 0 diffuse 0.8". I don't know about the 
highlights, I usually only use specular. Which brings me to the next 
You are using both specular and phong highlights in your glass texture. 
While this is allowed and may be done on purpose, it is probably easier 
to control when you only use one.

BTW, I noticed you seem to have alternate settings for debugging, 
controlled by "#if (test=1)". Just in case you didn't know, you can also 
use "on", "yes", or "true" instead of 1, like "#if(test=yes)", 
"#if(test=on)", or "#if(test=true)". Although it is a very minor thing, 
this might make things a little easier to read.

And lastly, this should probably have been posted to 
povray.text.scene-files, not povray.binaries.images.

Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/

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From: Paul Daniel Jones
Subject: Re: Still can't get it...
Date: 14 Feb 2000 21:00:44
Message: <38A8DEFD.32309131@psu.edu>
Thanks a billion.... these hints seem to have done the trick... :-)

Chris Huff wrote:

> In article <38A7F030.687658EE@psu.edu>, Paul Daniel Jones
> <pdj### [at] psuedu> wrote:
> > Ok, Help..... I worked till the wee hours and the liquid still does
> > not work yet (one thing at a time.... :-), anyone see something wrong
> > with the code?
> Well, the first thing I noticed is that you have:
> #declare liquid_color= rgbf <1,.6,.6,.9>
> And later you use
> pigment{color 1.9*liquid_color }
> in your liquid texture. This is the same as using "color rgbf < 1.9,
> 1.14, 1.14, 1.71>". This causes a problem, because although values
> larger than 1 are allowed and work as expected, they are not physically
> accurate. You can see that the shadows are more brightly lit than their
> surroundings due to the light being strengthened by the texture.
> Stick to values < 1, and you might want to use fade_color from MegaPOV
> instead of a colored texture.
> Another thing is you have "reflection 0.4 ambient .8 diffuse .5 phong 1
> phong_size 200" for your liquid texture. I usually keep reflection +
> ambient + diffuse <= 1 for good results(closer to physically accurate),
> and I often eliminate ambient completely(especially when radiosity is
> used). I would also use much less reflection, around 0.05-0.15:
> "reflection 0.15 ambient 0 diffuse 0.8". I don't know about the
> highlights, I usually only use specular. Which brings me to the next
> thing:
> You are using both specular and phong highlights in your glass texture.
> While this is allowed and may be done on purpose, it is probably easier
> to control when you only use one.
> BTW, I noticed you seem to have alternate settings for debugging,
> controlled by "#if (test=1)". Just in case you didn't know, you can also
> use "on", "yes", or "true" instead of 1, like "#if(test=yes)",
> "#if(test=on)", or "#if(test=true)". Although it is a very minor thing,
> this might make things a little easier to read.
> And lastly, this should probably have been posted to
> povray.text.scene-files, not povray.binaries.images.
> --
> Chris Huff
> e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
> Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/

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