In article <38A7F030.687658EE@psu.edu>, Paul Daniel Jones
<pdj### [at] psuedu> wrote:
> Ok, Help..... I worked till the wee hours and the liquid still does
> not work yet (one thing at a time.... :-), anyone see something wrong
> with the code?
Well, the first thing I noticed is that you have:
#declare liquid_color= rgbf <1,.6,.6,.9>
And later you use
pigment{color 1.9*liquid_color }
in your liquid texture. This is the same as using "color rgbf < 1.9,
1.14, 1.14, 1.71>". This causes a problem, because although values
larger than 1 are allowed and work as expected, they are not physically
accurate. You can see that the shadows are more brightly lit than their
surroundings due to the light being strengthened by the texture.
Stick to values < 1, and you might want to use fade_color from MegaPOV
instead of a colored texture.
Another thing is you have "reflection 0.4 ambient .8 diffuse .5 phong 1
phong_size 200" for your liquid texture. I usually keep reflection +
ambient + diffuse <= 1 for good results(closer to physically accurate),
and I often eliminate ambient completely(especially when radiosity is
used). I would also use much less reflection, around 0.05-0.15:
"reflection 0.15 ambient 0 diffuse 0.8". I don't know about the
highlights, I usually only use specular. Which brings me to the next
You are using both specular and phong highlights in your glass texture.
While this is allowed and may be done on purpose, it is probably easier
to control when you only use one.
BTW, I noticed you seem to have alternate settings for debugging,
controlled by "#if (test=1)". Just in case you didn't know, you can also
use "on", "yes", or "true" instead of 1, like "#if(test=yes)",
"#if(test=on)", or "#if(test=true)". Although it is a very minor thing,
this might make things a little easier to read.
And lastly, this should probably have been posted to
povray.text.scene-files, not povray.binaries.images.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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