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From: Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann
Subject: mesh2 generator: strange error!
Date: 8 Jul 2020 08:45:59
Message: <5f05c007@news.povray.org>
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Obviously, I once more have messed up my POVEarth code - when I run my
mesh2 generator (attached here), a strange error shows up:
"File 'mesh2writer.pov' line 287: Parse Error: Expected 'string', End of
found instead
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input."
Though the generated mesh2 scripts look correct, whenever I render a
scene containing them, I see no terrain relief, but only ocean...
For better understanding, I also attached a (small) mesh2 script
generated with the mesh2 generator.
See you in Khyberspace!
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Download 'mesh2writer.pov.txt' (10 KB)
Download 'n41e044.inc.txt' (302 KB)
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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> ...
> Though the generated mesh2 scripts look correct, whenever I render a
> scene containing them, I see no terrain relief, but only ocean...
> For better understanding, I also attached a (small) mesh2 script
> generated with the mesh2 generator.
tried to have a look, the mesh data appears to parse ok, however, am struggling
with the dimensions and trying to get the camera set up. it would help if you
could post a small scene file that just includes that tile and displays it.
regards, jr.
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On 09.07.20 15:52, jr wrote:
> tried to have a look, the mesh data appears to parse ok, however, am struggling
> with the dimensions and trying to get the camera set up. it would help if you
> could post a small scene file that just includes that tile and displays it.
Okay, here it is!
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Rock Me (Steppenwolf)
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...and also the texture imagemap!
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Rock Me (Steppenwolf)
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Download 'n41e044_2004-07.png' (74 KB)
Preview of image 'n41e044_2004-07.png'

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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> On 09.07.20 15:52, jr wrote:
> > tried to have a look, the mesh data appears to parse ok, however, am struggling
> > with the dimensions and trying to get the camera set up. it would help if you
> > could post a small scene file that just includes that tile and displays it.
> Okay, here it is!
> > ... I see no terrain relief, but only ocean...
same here. I inserted, after line 211, a line which simply subtracts from the Y
axis of 'Cam_oceanfloorpos', going from -2.5 to -2.6 the view changes.
no real idea, to be honest. (had thought about height_fields, their adjustable
water_level :-)) and absolutely no idea why you see the EOF error message, the
code looks kosher.
regards, jr.
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I added line 253 as:
translate Cam_Pos/2
I changed line 281 to
location Cam_Pos*2
Your tile is not positioned properly.
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From: Jörg "Yadgar" Bleimann
Subject: Re: mesh2 generator: strange error!
Date: 9 Jul 2020 17:05:10
Message: <5f078686@news.povray.org>
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On 09.07.20 19:38, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I added line 253 as:
> translate Cam_Pos/2
> then
> I changed line 281 to
> location Cam_Pos*2
I tried out your suggestions... and the result is quite weird, as you see:
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Preview of image 'tbilisi.png'

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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> I tried out your suggestions... and the result is quite weird, as you see:
I would suggest either getting rid of your planet entirely for test renders, or
at least give it a transmit value so you can see below the surface.
Create a macro that will give the min_extent and max_extent of your tile, and
calculate the approximate surface normal. You could then "draw" a cylinder
from the planet center to the center of the tile, and a cone from a [large]
fraction of the camera location to the center of the tile, so you can always get
a bearing on it.
But at least you see the tile and know its approximate location.
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On 09.07.20 23:52, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Create a macro that will give the min_extent and max_extent of your tile,
I really have no clue how to do this - and I can't look it up, as is
seems not to be included in the POV-Ray 3.7 doc!
See you in Khyberspace!
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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> Hi(gh)!
> On 09.07.20 23:52, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > Create a macro that will give the min_extent and max_extent of your tile,
> I really have no clue how to do this - and I can't look it up, as is
> seems not to be included in the POV-Ray 3.7 doc!
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
#declare Obj = union {
// Everything
#local Min = min_extent (Obj);
#local Max = max_extent (Obj);
#local Center = (Min+Max)/2;
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