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Following the discussion in povray.off-topic on Physically Based
Rendering (PBR)
and the /rules/ given by Clipka, this is an RSoCP following the said
rules and rendered with UberPOV.
Scene file can be found in povray.binaries.scene-files.
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Download 'rsocp_uber.png' (273 KB)
Preview of image 'rsocp_uber.png'

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Am 25.06.2015 um 16:44 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> Following the discussion in povray.off-topic on Physically Based
> Rendering (PBR)
> http://news.povray.org/povray.off-topic/thread/%3Cop.x0kk32qvufxv4h%40xena%3E/
> and the /rules/ given by Clipka, this is an RSoCP following the said
> rules and rendered with UberPOV.
> Scene file can be found in povray.binaries.scene-files.
I think you're doing /something/ wrong there.
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Am 25.06.2015 um 16:44 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> Following the discussion in povray.off-topic on Physically Based
> Rendering (PBR)
> http://news.povray.org/povray.off-topic/thread/%3Cop.x0kk32qvufxv4h%40xena%3E/
> and the /rules/ given by Clipka, this is an RSoCP following the said
> rules and rendered with UberPOV.
> Scene file can be found in povray.binaries.scene-files.
Um... you're /not/ following the rules /at all/:
sphere {
<0,0,0>, 1.00
texture {
pigment {srgb <0.8, 0.7, 0.7>*0.5 }
finish {
diffuse albedo 0.8
brilliance 3, 3
reflection {
0.0, 1.0
//roughness 0.001
//fresnel on
//metallic on
fresnel on
metallic on
interior { ior 1.5 }
scale <1,1,1> rotate <0,0,0> translate <0,1.35,0>
You're using "metallic on" in the entire finish block, but not in the
reflection block. That's bad bractice. /Very/ bad practice.
Also, "fresnel on" has no effect (or at least shouldn't have) when used
together with "metallic on". And as I'm already at it, always use
"fresnel on" in the reflection block when you use it in the entire
finish block. It doesn't carry through to the reflection automatically.
Furthermore, I'll probably need to add more rules:
- Do not use "diffuse" for metallic materials (or, more specifically,
use "diffuse 0.0" to override the non-zero default). Use specular
reflection with a very high roughness instead. To also add crisper
highlights to the mix, use complex textures.
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On 25-6-2015 22:38, clipka wrote:
> I think you're doing /something/ wrong there.
Why am I not surprised? ;-)
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On 25-6-2015 22:50, clipka wrote:
> Am 25.06.2015 um 16:44 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>> Following the discussion in povray.off-topic on Physically Based
>> Rendering (PBR)
>> http://news.povray.org/povray.off-topic/thread/%3Cop.x0kk32qvufxv4h%40xena%3E/
>> and the /rules/ given by Clipka, this is an RSoCP following the said
>> rules and rendered with UberPOV.
>> Scene file can be found in povray.binaries.scene-files.
> Um... you're /not/ following the rules /at all/:
> sphere {
> <0,0,0>, 1.00
> texture {
> pigment {srgb <0.8, 0.7, 0.7>*0.5 }
> finish {
> diffuse albedo 0.8
> brilliance 3, 3
> reflection {
> 0.0, 1.0
> //roughness 0.001
> //fresnel on
> //metallic on
> }
> fresnel on
> metallic on
> }
> }
> interior { ior 1.5 }
> scale <1,1,1> rotate <0,0,0> translate <0,1.35,0>
> }
> You're using "metallic on" in the entire finish block, but not in the
> reflection block. That's bad bractice. /Very/ bad practice.
Ah! Yes, I don't know why I switched it off. I had a reason initially
which I have forgotten now :-/
> Also, "fresnel on" has no effect (or at least shouldn't have) when used
> together with "metallic on". And as I'm already at it, always use
> "fresnel on" in the reflection block when you use it in the entire
> finish block. It doesn't carry through to the reflection automatically.
I had not paid enough attention to the (mutual) exclusion of fresnel and
metallic (RTFRules!). Forgot also to add conserve_energy.
> Furthermore, I'll probably need to add more rules:
> - Do not use "diffuse" for metallic materials (or, more specifically,
> use "diffuse 0.0" to override the non-zero default). Use specular
> reflection with a very high roughness instead. To also add crisper
> highlights to the mix, use complex textures.
Good one about diffuse and complex textures. My scene is simple because
I wanted to start from the 'basic scene' in the Insert Menu.
Four images are attached with variations in the parameter use (see their
corresponding titles).
sphere {
<0,0,0>, 1.00
texture {
pigment {srgb <0.8, 0.7, 0.7>*0.5 }
finish {
diffuse albedo 0.0
specular albedo 0.5
roughness 0.001
brilliance 3, 3
reflection {
0.0, 1.0
roughness 0.001
fresnel on
metallic off
fresnel on
metallic off
interior { ior 1.5 }
scale <1,1,1> rotate <0,0,0> translate <0,1.35,0>
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Download 'rsocp_uber_fresnel.png' (327 KB)
Download 'rsocp_uber_fresnel+specular.png' (317 KB)
Download 'rsocp_uber_metallic.png' (308 KB)
Download 'rsocp_uber_metallic+specular.png' (316 KB)
Preview of image 'rsocp_uber_fresnel.png'

Preview of image 'rsocp_uber_fresnel+specular.png'

Preview of image 'rsocp_uber_metallic.png'

Preview of image 'rsocp_uber_metallic+specular.png'

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Am 26.06.2015 um 09:40 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> I had not paid enough attention to the (mutual) exclusion of fresnel and
> metallic (RTFRules!). Forgot also to add conserve_energy.
Don't worry, that's only relevant for transparent objects.
> specular albedo 0.5
> roughness 0.001
> brilliance 3, 3
> reflection {
> 0.0, 1.0
Now what did I say about the specular and reflection brightness settings?!
Use "specular albedo N" where N is the same as the maximum reflection.
That's what I said.
Need a hearing aid, hm? :P
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On 26-6-2015 14:43, clipka wrote:
> Am 26.06.2015 um 09:40 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>> I had not paid enough attention to the (mutual) exclusion of fresnel and
>> metallic (RTFRules!). Forgot also to add conserve_energy.
> Don't worry, that's only relevant for transparent objects.
>> specular albedo 0.5
>> roughness 0.001
>> brilliance 3, 3
>> reflection {
>> 0.0, 1.0
> Now what did I say about the specular and reflection brightness settings?!
> Use "specular albedo N" where N is the same as the maximum reflection.
> That's what I said.
> Need a hearing aid, hm? :P
What did you say? I don't hear you! ;-)
The thing is, I read what you write and it just doesn't impact where it
should: "Use "specular albedo N" where N is the maximum reflection
intensity"; clear enough one should say, except for me of course.
Oh, well...
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Am 26.06.2015 um 16:36 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>> Now what did I say about the specular and reflection brightness
>> settings?!
>> Use "specular albedo N" where N is the same as the maximum reflection.
>> That's what I said.
>> Need a hearing aid, hm? :P
> What did you say? I don't hear you! ;-)
> The thing is, I read what you write and it just doesn't impact where it
> should: "Use "specular albedo N" where N is the maximum reflection
> intensity"; clear enough one should say, except for me of course.
> Oh, well...
I'm pondering adding a mode where POV-Ray will automatically issue a
warning whenever it finds inconsistencies in the settings.
I guess I'll start every such warning message with "Thomas, I told
you..." :P
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On 26-6-2015 17:33, clipka wrote:
> Am 26.06.2015 um 16:36 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>>> Now what did I say about the specular and reflection brightness
>>> settings?!
>>> Use "specular albedo N" where N is the same as the maximum reflection.
>>> That's what I said.
>>> Need a hearing aid, hm? :P
>> What did you say? I don't hear you! ;-)
>> The thing is, I read what you write and it just doesn't impact where it
>> should: "Use "specular albedo N" where N is the maximum reflection
>> intensity"; clear enough one should say, except for me of course.
>> Oh, well...
> I'm pondering adding a mode where POV-Ray will automatically issue a
> warning whenever it finds inconsistencies in the settings.
> I guess I'll start every such warning message with "Thomas, I told
> you..." :P
Good idea! ;-)
I have a problem reading from screen. Reason I never use e-books for
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Am 27.06.2015 um 14:12 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>> I'm pondering adding a mode where POV-Ray will automatically issue a
>> warning whenever it finds inconsistencies in the settings.
>> I guess I'll start every such warning message with "Thomas, I told
>> you..." :P
> Good idea! ;-)
> I have a problem reading from screen. Reason I never use e-books for
> example.
Then I'll have to make it an audible warning? :P
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