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I want to read in a POV-Ray script from an external file to create a
text object out of it - but whenever I try to start the main script, I
get the error message related to the script to be read in:
"Parse Error: Expected 'float, vector, or string literal' light_source
found instead"
Why that?
Here is the relevant section of the main script:
#declare fullscript = array[483];
#declare i=0;
#declare line="";
#fopen script "../../texturesinc_demo.pov" read
#while (defined(script))
#read (script, line)
#declare fullscript[i] = line;
#declare i=i+1;
#fclose script
See you in Khyberspace!
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> I want to read in a POV-Ray script from an external file to create a
> text object out of it - but whenever I try to start the main script, I
> get the error message related to the script to be read in:
> "Parse Error: Expected 'float, vector, or string literal' light_source
> found instead"
> Why that?
From the documentation of "#read":
The format of the data to be read must be a series of valid string
literals, float literals, or vector literals separated by commas.
Basically this means you cannot read arbitrary text files,
only "csv-like" data files. Also, AFAIK, the implementation of
#read to some extent reuses the POV-Ray expression parser, so
you might get strange messages reading source files.
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On 06.02.2014 00:44, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> From the documentation of "#read":
> "
> The format of the data to be read must be a series of valid string
> literals, float literals, or vector literals separated by commas.
> "
Ah yes, I remember... so I have started to enclose each line with "",
followed by a comma - and, indeed, now the error message points at the
first line not treated this way!
Thank you for the hint!
See you in Khyberspace!
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